The Blizzard of 2009

2009 Advent coverDecember 20, 2009 

For those of us in the metro DC area, it probably will not come as a surprise that, after consultation with folks throughout the region, the Servant Leadership Team determined that there would be no worship service for Seekers Church today.  We hope that everyone kept safe and warm as we all rode out the storm and that we found a variety of ways to celebrate the Holy's presence in our separate places.

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Blizzard Causes us to Cancel Seekers Worship

09_dec_blizzard.jpgThere was no worship service at Seekers Church on Sunday, December 20th.

The blizzard left almost two feet of snow on the ground. This led Celebration Circle and the Servant Leadership Team to decide not to ask Seekers to fight their way through the snow to join together in corporate worship. We hope you were able to stay safe and warm, and were found some quiet time to pray for peace and justice.

Seekers will be gathering on Thursday for Christmas Eve dinner and a worship service of Lessons and Carols. We hope to greet you then. 


Seekers Servant Leadership Team 



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“Do Not Be Afraid” by Brenda Seat

2009 Advent coverDecember 13, 2009 

Several years ago at this time of year we here at Seekers were waiting with great anticipation.  A child was coming into our world at Christmas. 

Margreta and Jeffrey had left or were going to leave for Guatemala and they were in the final steps of becoming parents.  We, in Seekers, but especially those of us who were in mission group with Margreta had heard the step by step process that they were going though in order to adopt a child.  Sometimes it was agonizing as paperwork got mislaid or mishandled, but other times it was joyous like when we were able to see a picture of the child who was coming. It was Oslin! At the time we wondered, "How will this coming child change Margreta and Jeffrey's life?"  "How will having a baby among us, change us?" A child was coming!  And then, something I will never forget, that moment on Christmas Eve when Margreta and Jeffrey and Oslin got off the elevator just as we were getting ready to begin our Christmas Eve Dinner!  It was the "holy family" made visible!


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