2013 August Stewards Minutes

Stewards Minutes August 4, 2013

Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, Lewise Busch (worship leader), Pat Conover, David Lloyd, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat (angel), Keith Seat (moderator), Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen (angel).

Absent: Cynthia Dahlin, Sandra Miller

Visitors: Judy Lantz, Jesse Palidofsky, Vince Shepherd, Glen Yakushiji.

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet on September 1, 5:30pm, at the Conover/Nemore summer house.
Moderator: Deborah Worship: Peter
Notetaker: Trish Angels: Margreta

Worship was offered by Lewise reading a passage on what matters in living “a spiritual life” from Henri Nouwen, followed by silence and rereading the passage.

Brenda reported that the Dongo’s had had a car accident this afternoon, while taking two of the children to Camp Pecometh. No-one was hurt. Because their car will not be drivable for at least a week, the Barwicks drove out to transport the kids to camp and take the others home. The Seats will loan them a car while they are away for the next two weeks.

1. Report from the Carroll Cafe Team: Glen and Jesse
As they complete the third year of operation, Glen reported that audiences are growing (average was about 80/performance this year); performers are asking to be booked and the ministry is solvent. Jesse added some detail on the variety of performers and the different audiences in attendance – as another way to introduce Seekers to a wider community. He mentioned that there will be a benefit concert in January, 2014, to support a low-watt radio station for this area. They announced that Lauren Seat had agreed to be in charge of the kitchen for Carroll Cafe, and that their next hurdle was how to provide (and store) a stage so performers could be seen from the back seats.
The CALL of this group is below.

2. Update on Seekers participation in the Takoma Park Folk Festival (Sept. 8): Keith
Larry Rawlings has agreed to chair the group, and will be preaching after the folk-festival. Keith will be meeting with him soon to pass along suggestions from last year. We hope to have side-by-side tables for Carroll Café and Seekers, so volunteers can help out at both tables. They are looking for volunteers throughout the day.

3. Pastoral Update: Trish
Confidential details of current care needs within the community were shared.

4. Lewise Busch. Following dinner, Lewise shared in some depth about her upcoming move with Dick to a retirement community in North Carolina. We then spent some time recalling special connections with Lewise, naming her gifts to Seekers and sharing our hopes with her.

5. Ken Burton then shared in more depth, followed by Soul Talk.

We closed the meeting with prayer surrounding Lewise, because this will be her last meeting with Stewards.

Submitted by
Marjory Bankson


Call of Carroll Café

Jan 26, 2013

We believe
-that music is a gift that brings a deeper understanding and experience of the Creator and ourselves in a way different from any other discipline;

-that music is a gift for everyone, and everyone’s own music can be good and useful;

-that music can promote cooperation, compassion, empathy, and friendship amongst all people;”

-that roots music is a living tradition that grows out of the relationship between an artist and an audience.

We are called:
-to offer excellent music to the community at the nexus of Takoma Park, Montgomery County, and the Greater DC area for education, inspiration, enlightenment, and joy so everyone can receive the gifts that music offers;

-to provide a venue for musicians to present their music and thoughts; where they can be paid a fair wage for their skill and dedication;”

-to help visitors learn more about and experience the hospitality of Seekers Church;

-to use music to create a world of equality, fellowship and justice.

2013 September Stewards Minutes
2013 July Stewards Minutes