2013 July Stewards Minutes


July 7, 2013

Present: Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Marjory Bankson (angel), Brenda Seat, Dave Lloyd (worship leader), Lewise Busch, Trish Nemore (angel), Pat Conover, Keith Seat, Sandra Miller (recorder), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton, and Jacqie Wallen

 MSG representatives present: Judy Lantz, Vince Shepherd

Absent: Cynthia Dahlin, Margreta Silverstone

Housekeeping next meeting is August 4th – Keith Seat, moderator; Lewise Busch, worship leader; Marjory Bankson, recorder; Brenda Seat & Jacqie Wallen, angels

The September meeting will be held on September 1st, although it is Labor Day weekend.

Stewards’ Disciplines the report from Marjorie and Dave was that when Cynthia returns from her travels the team of three will meet to design the process for accountability for our current disciplines.

Bokamoso Memorandum of Agreement process and product were presented by Dave Lloyd. Dave met with Kathy Tobias and Roy Barber from the Bokamoso Board of Directors, and Trish Nemore from the Servant Leadership Team to consider elements for a Memorandum of Agreement between Seekers and the Bokamoso Youth Foundation, using a similar MOA between BYF and St. Andrew’s School a model.

The MOA for Seekers was largely based on the SAES model and a copy was distributed to Stewards prior to this meeting for review. During the discussion concern was raised about how the $10K in Seekers’ giving budget was worded without finite boundaries, and that the plan for Stewards was to spend time in 3 meetings/annum in preparing for the annual visit. A proposal was made to have the Bokamoso team submit what Seekers needs to know about their plans in writing rather than coming to meetings, with the understanding that if requested the Board will send representatives to either/both Stewards or Time and Space meetings. Dave will amend the MOA (see MOA below).

Roots of Justice/Damascus Road request to have Seekers act as the financial agent for the October 4-6, 2013 Leadership Training was presented by Sandra. The participants will include Trish, Sandra, and other CofS members. Sandra had checked with Debbie Barwick, Seekers’ treasurer, to make sure she would be able to receive approximately 22 personal registration fees as well as some possible scholarship contributions, and write somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 outgoing payment checks, which she was. Stewards approved the request.

Growing Edge Fund Process concerns from MSG were presented by Lewise relating to a time-sensitive request which caused MSG to feel undercut. The concerns were discussed and addressed.

Holy Spirit Fund/Mid-Year Fiscal Report was presented by Marjory. (An electronic version of the Budget 2013 to YTD Actual through July 6th will be supplied at a later date for the website.) At this point in the year our income should be at about 50%, and although building use income is down we are at 55% of our projected annual income. Looking at expenses, building operations are low, but there is money in case we have any major repairs that come up. Outreach is at 94% because we used some of Kate’s bequest to make our donations as early in the year as possible to accommodate the needs of the nonprofits to which we donate. At year’s end that line items will level out and the bequest amount in the bank will be replenished. A concern is the Holy Spirit Fund which has already been paid out at 100% of the budget while the needs have not disappeared. A proposal was raised and approved unanimously to add $25K to the Holy Spirit Fund to carry out ongoing responsibilities.

Potter’s house update was presented by Marjory and Keith with information from the Ecumenical Council. The PH board has voted unanimously to set down their call as of August 3rd, 2013, and ownership of the Potter’s House building and related undertakings will shift to Eighth Day. The facility will close on Monday, August 2nd for renovations. One goal of the renovation project is to make the back room into a conducive worship space so that the front can be open for business. Eighth Day is in conversation with Providence Construction, the for profit arm of MANNA that did Seekers’ renovation work, to be the contractor for Potter’s House.

Future Stewards’ Agenda Items was led by Trish as a brainstorming session. The list is as follows:

  • money in our lives beyond our giving to Seekers, including unreimbursed personal expenditures on behalf of the community

  • spiritual practices beyond Stewards’ disciplines and including our previously made commitment to an accountability process for Stewards’ disciplines

  • mission group accountability to Stewards

  • how to educate building users to eliminate occurrences of racism

  • resource help for community members

  • policy with finances and other resources

  • helping people who walk through the door – short term vs. members (who has a claim on our common resources)

  • aging/death issues in Seekers

  • how can we develop more spiritual guides beyond offering classes in SCL

  • greater attention to those not in mission groups – who do we say we are and how does that work for those members

  • connection to nature as possible discipline

  • periodic check ins about our invested funds

  • outreach to our geographic community

  • developing Seekers’ elevator speeches

  • nurturing the community of communities

  • 3rd week of June 2014 is our 10th anniversary in the building – what do we want to do

  • opportunities for fun (missing what the overnights at Wellspring offered)

  • relationship with other CofS communities

Two Stewards to Share Pat & Trish

Soul Talk



Bokamoso Youth Foundation and Seekers Church
_________ ____, 2013



The Bokamoso Youth Foundation (BYF) and Seekers Church seek to formalize the ongoing partnership between the two organizations. Seekers Church has actively collaborated over the past twelve years with St. Andrews Episcopal School (SAES) of Potomac, Maryland and the BYF to create a mutually beneficial partnership, centered on welcoming youth from the Bokamoso Youth Centre (BYC) in Winterveldt, South Africa to the Washington, DC area for cross-cultural experiences and assisting them in career planning and preparation. This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) establishes the roles and responsibilities of the parties.


Seekers Church – Seekers Church began worshiping as a faith community within the Church of the Saviour in Washington, DC in 1976 and separately incorporated in the District of Columbia, as part of the major restructuring of the Church of the Saviour in 1995. Seekers is committed to participation by persons of all ages. Seekers Church is committed to evoking and giving space to gifts of preaching, liturgical leadership, creative worship forms, giving, mission and other acts of faith. Seekers Church supports many missions and ministries in the United States and other countries. In 2010, Seekers Church recognized the Bokamoso Career Workshop as a ministry of the church.


Bokamoso Youth Foundation (BYF) − The BYF is a non-profit organization located in Washington, DC, created in 2009 to transform the lives of youth and empower community leadership in Winterveldt, South Africa, by coordinating assistance with the BYC, and facilitating its sustainability through scholarships, training and resource development. The BYF raises the funds necessary to operate the BYC and to provide an average of 25 two-year college or training scholarships each year.


Bokamoso Youth Centre (BYC) – The BYC provides a variety of youth services and programs in the community of Winterveldt, South Africa, focusing on educating youth and developing leadership on issues of AIDS, teenage pregnancy, conflict resolution, and career development.


Commitment to Partnership


Seekers Church and BYF desire to continue this mutually beneficial partnership. The partnership provides Seekers Church members with personal interaction with youth from a different culture, country, and socio-economic level that adds a new dimension to the church’s worship, new opportunities for personal ministry through career mentorship, and friendships. The partnership provides the BYC youth with relevant individualized career planning and mentorship that enhances their opportunities for advancement. The partnership provides BYF with assistance in securing visas for the youth and chaperones to enter the U.S., with a core of people committed to assisting the youth in their career planning, and with financial assistance.


Roles and Responsibilities


Seekers Church will:


1. Provide financial assistance to the BYF for the benefit of the BYC. This has been approximately ten thousand dollars ($10,000) annually.
2. Annually send an official letter of invitation in coordination with the BYC and BYF to the American Consul in South Africa to secure visas for approximately twelve (12) youth and two (2) adult chaperones from the BYC to visit the Washington, DC area for approximately one month during January and February. This request will be made in sufficient time to ensure that visas are issued in a timely manner. Seekers Church will provide other assistance as requested by the BYF and BYC to facilitate the issuance of the visas.
3. Consistent with its guidelines for scheduling events using its building, will schedule the career planning workshop and follow up meeting. Additional assistance may be given to assist in scheduling an Interplay workshop at the Seekers Building.
4. Invite the BYC youth and chaperones to provide the music and message for Seekers Church worship one Sunday during their visit. Seekers Church will provide lunch to the youth and chaperones following the worship.
5. Provide a career planning component to the BYC youth during their visit to the Washington, DC area consisting of (1) a half-day workshop of career planning and mentorship immediately following the lunch after the worship service, (2) a one-day opportunity for each youth to visit Washington, DC area professionals employed in the career areas of the youths’ expressed interest, (3) a half-day follow-up to the career planning and mentorship, and (4) assistance in improving the youths’ resumes. Seekers Church members will assist in providing mentorship and in providing transportation to the visits to professionals.
6. Review plans for the forthcoming visit at the September and January meetings of the Seekers Stewards, and review the visit at a Stewards meeting subsequent to the conclusion of the visit.
7. Identify a liaison to the BYF board of directors to participate in planning the visits and fundraising activities.


BYF will:


1. Provide funding for the BYC youth and chaperones to visit the U.S. Additionally, BYF will notify Seekers Church of fundraising activities which may be of interest to the Seekers Church congregation.
2. Provide information as appropriate for the Seekers’ letter of invitation to the American Consul in South Africa as far in advance of the date the letter is needed as possible.
3. Ensure that the BYC youths’ potential careers are communicated in writing to Seekers Church in a timely manner so that Seekers Church may prepare for the youths’ career workshop and mentorship and for the site visits. Usually, this information shall be communicated not later than the first Sunday in September.
4. Provide two members to participate on the Seekers Church career planning committee.
5. Coordinate the schedule for the BYC youths’ visit and arrange for their housing, meals, and transportation upon arrival in coordination with the SAES. This includes transportation to Seekers Church for the worship service and career workshop and follow up meeting, and assistance in coordinating transportation for the visits to professionals.
6. Maintain communication with the Seekers Church liaison and career workshop committee throughout the planning process and visit, including communication about public performances of the BYC youth during their visit. This includes identifying a liaison to Seekers Church to participate in planning the visits and fundraising activities.
7. Submit plans for the forthcoming visit in writing by the first day of September and of January, and a written review of the visit not later than 45 days after the conclusion of the visit, and shall send a representative to attend a meeting of the Seekers’ Stewards when invited.
8. Give as much advance notice to Seekers as possible of situations that develop for which BYF needs assistance from Seekers that is outside the specifics of this Memorandum of Agreement.


Changes and Termination


1. Either party to this agreement may change its roles and responsibilities by providing written notice to the other of such intent at least 30 days prior to such change.


2. Either party may terminate this agreement upon 60 days written notice to the other.




By _________________________________
Keith Seat, President
Seekers Church


By _________________________________
Roy Barber, President
Bokamoso Youth Foundation


2013 August Stewards Minutes
2013 June Stewards Minutes