2014 January Stewards Minutes


Minutes of the Stewards Meeting

January 5, 2014

Stewards Present – Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson (worship), Ken Burton, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin (angel), Dave Lloyd (recorder), Sandra Miller (angel), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Margreta Silverstone, Jacqie Wallen

Members Present – Judy Lantz, and Vincent Shepherd (Mission Support Group representatives), Kevin Barwick, Mary Carol Dragoo, Liz Gould Leger, Richard Lawrence

Stewards Absent — Deborah Sokolove,

Worship – Peter Bankson read an excerpt from Isaiah 42 and asked us to meditate on the question “What part of the Body of Christ is God calling me to be in this New Year?” He led us in reading the Call of Seekers Church in unison, and then led us in prayer.

Housekeeping – The next Stewards meeting will be February 9 at 5:30 pm. The change of time is to accommodate another group using the building.

Moderator: Ken Burton          Worship: Sandra Miller

Recorder: Trish Nemore        Angels: David Lloyd and Marjory Bankson

Learners and Teachers proposal – David Lloyd summarized the proposal previously sent from L & T to reduce the number of courses of each of the four classes required for stewardship (Hebrew Scriptures, New Testament, Doctrine/Teachings, and Christian Growth) from two courses to one. Stewards expressed a number of concerns the proposal brought to the fore: the need for a process to train and support spiritual guides and to link new members to them, the desire for the congregation to have more engagement with the Bible, the lack of training for sponsors and the additional responsibility the proposal may put on prospective Stewards’ sponsors, and the difficulty people have with attending six sessions of a course or even attending any classes on Tuesday evenings. There was mention of whether two elective classes in addition to the four required classes would be sufficient. The proposal did not reach a consensus and L & T will present a new proposal. (L & T will also work with the sponsors of any members pursuing stewardship to attempt to accommodate previously scheduled readings of spiritual autobiographies with any need for additional coursework.)

Financial Oversight Group (FOG) proposal —Marjory presented a summary of the end of 2013 financial statement. Although income of $295,194 was lower than the budgeted amount of $300,700, the 2013 expenses of $282,741 were lower than both the budgeted amount and income, producing a net surplus of $12,383. Following precedent, $6,000 of the net surplus will be added to the capital reserve (currently $30,000 in a savings account). FOG proposed that $2,000 of the surplus be dedicated to scholarships for those attending Damascus Road training (proposed by the Servant leadership Team, which will manage requests for the scholarships), an amount not to exceed $5,000 be donated to the Capital Area Food Bank, and the balance of the surplus be added to the capital reserve. The Stewards approved the FOG proposal. Marjory also explained that we have $73,000 in cash reserve, which is used to make donations for international and domestic giving early in the calendar year.

Mission Support Group (MSG) report – Members of the MSG shared their individual calls and the functioning of the mission group. Mary Carol Dragoo is acting as moderator, Richard Lawrence is serving as spiritual director, and Judy Lawrence is serving as worship leader until a discernment of roles is conducted. The MSG meets on Mondays, with meditation, silence, business, and personal sharing. Stewards appreciated the role that the MSG provides for individuals who do not yet have a group call.


Shape of Seekers – Peter reported on the shape of Seekers as of the end of 2013, using a series of slides previously sent to the Stewards. Stewards expressed appreciation for the depth of the report, particularly as it described the “leg” of the community journey in 2013. It was noted that more could be said about the children’s religious education program. Hope was expressed that in future years more depth can be provided to describe the “legs” of the inner journey and outward journey of the congregation. In response to the question as to whether there are any goals for Seekers in 2014, the answer was that the Stewards discussions on disciplines in 2014 may help shape such goals.

Steward Sharing – David and Margreta Silverstone shared in depth about their respective current spiritual journeys.

Soul Talk by Stewards

Respectfully submitted

David Lloyd

January 6, 2014

2014 February Stewards Minutes
2013 December Stewards Minutes