2014 May Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

May 4, 2014 Stewards Meeting

Present: Peter Bankson, Marjory Bankson [recorder], Kevin Barwick [angel], Ken Burton [moderator], Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Dave Lloyd, Sandra Miller [worship], Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone [angel], Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen.


Absent: David Lloyd


Visitors: Michele Frome, Larry Rawlings,Vincent Shepherd, Glen Yakushiji


Worship: Sandra led worship with a reading from Annie Dillard, which concluded with reading Seekers’ call.


Housekeeping: next meeting will be June 8 [to avoid Earth Day at Dayspring on June 1]. 5:30 pm at Conover-Nemore summer house.  

Moderator: Pat                        Worship: Sandra

Recorder: Marjory                    Angels: Brenda and Keith


Takoma Folk Festival: Larry

Date is September 7. [Stewards will meet Sept 14 that month] Larry will request two contiguous tables for Seekers & Carroll Café; will seek four volunteers/for each two-hour time period; will request handout materials from Peter and will initiate several after-worship meetings to generate interest & participation.


Takoma Park July 4 Parade: Trish

Following some discussion of the yearly invitation to Seekers Church, no Stewards felt called and we decided not to participate.


10th Anniversary at 276 Carroll Street: Brenda (for Koinonia)

Date is June 29. Keith (chair of the Building Development Team) will preach & Celebration Circle may design a special service for the occasion. Potluck after service will be coordinated by Koinonia. Glen offered to prepare a short video from photos of the renovation. Marjory offered to do a timeline for the church, which will “frame” the renovation in our longer history.


Children’s Team: Trish

Team consists of David, Brenda, Pat, Trish and Elizabeth Gelfeld, each with a particular task. They only meet 4-5 times a year. Trish reported 22 different people taught this year, most for a 4-week period. Special thanks given for June Gable’s altar cloths, Larry’s work in the garden, and the unit on sexuality offered by Paul and Sallie Holmes. Stewards agreed that the stoles did help children take candle-lighting more seriously. This summer, Samantha, Alvin and Makaela will be staying up for worship and we will try India, Cynthia, Oslin and Tommy together for Sunday School.


Summer Sunday School: Brenda

Schedule will be out soon. Living Water gets first choice, followed by Celebration Circle.


Art Hop (May 2-4): Sandra

She reported that the community art walk seems better organized now, and she definitely thinks it is worth the effort for Seekers to participate. With Margreta’s quilts (big and small) on display, there were about 50 people who came by on Saturday and maybe 30 on Sunday. Even though there were no sales, a number of people were interested.


Mission Group Report: Celebration Circle

Their call: to energize and structure worship for Seekers

Roles: Ken (moderator), Deborah (worship), Peter (spiritual director), Elizabeth Gelfeld (celebrant). Michele Frome is currently exploring with CC.

Peter provided a visual graphic of themes for the past year. Ken provided a chart detailing the complexity of planning each worship. Deborah reported that their growing edge/challenge was to “keep things fresh.” They are a very small group and when any one is gone, it puts a strain on the others. They welcome Michele’s interest!

Remembering the offerings of the Artist’s Group, CC would welcome another group to plan and provide worship occasionally. They are also grateful for offerings of live music, informal helpers with bulletins, pick-up after worship and need someone to wash communion cups.




Soul Talk


Submitted May 8, 2014

By Marjory Zoet Bankson

2014 June Stewards Minutes
2014 April Stewards Minutes