2016 April Stewards Minutes

Seekers  Church

April 3, 2016 Stewards Minutes


Stewards: Marjory Bankson (notes), Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Joan Dodge, Michele Frome, Judy Lantz (worship), David Lloyd, Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Vincent Shepherd (angel), Margreta Silverstone (angel), Deborah Sokolove (moderator) and Jacqie Wallen.

Absent: Cynthia Dahlin

Guest:  Larry Rawlings

Housekeeping: Stewards will next meet on Sunday, May 1, at 5:30 pm at the church

Moderator: Ken                      Worship:  Sandra

Note taker:  Peter                    Angels: Kevin & Joan

Worship was offered by Judy, reading “Teach Me Your Ways” from Guerillas of Grace by Ted Loder.

Joan Dodgeread her spiritual autobiography and rejoined Stewards as part of her commitment to the Servant Leadership Team. She was welcomed by all.

Art Hop Update: Sandra

Takoma Park Art Hop will happen this coming weekend, April 9-10. The Seekers’ art gallery will be offering a show of large format photographs by Keith Seat during open hours: 11-5 on Saturday and 11-4pm on Sunday with a reception on Sunday, 11:30-2:30. Sandra passed a sign-up sheet for volunteers to join Keith and herself as hosts during the open hours.

Outreach Group Report: Joan & Keith

Joan described their process as a ministry group, still unclear about becoming a committed mission group. Having met every other week for three months, the group gathered ideas from earlier brainstorming sessions and plans to be in close communication with other groups (mainly Koinonia and Time & Space) charged with outreach activities. On a conference call this week, the group agreed to continue meeting for 3-4 months. Regular attenders are Keith, Kevin, Joan & Doug Dodge, Will & Teresa Ramsey, and Larry Rawlings.

Keith then shared examples of their products: the new brochure (2,000 printed), a large format word-cloud postcard (still to be printed), and business cards (still to be printed). Stewards affirmed the brochure at the last meeting

Questions were raised about adopting the brochure image as our official logo (to replace the current “celtic cross” image), and due to time constraints, we agreed to continue the discussion at another time.

Ecumenical Council: Keith

Keith described the Easter sunrise service at Wellspring and affirmed the spirit of cooperation among Council members.


  • Trish asked about the status of the two properties which Dayspring wants to rent. (Keith will find out)
  • Ken asked about the purpose of the Council. Marjory (Council chair) said “Oversight of Dayspring, sponsor of CALLINGS, and coordination of common efforts.”

Women’s Retreat: Brenda

Brenda announced the upcoming Women’s Retreat on May 14. It will be led by Deborah and take place at Seekers, with lunch provided by Koinonia.

Pastoral Report: David & Brenda

David described interactions with an unauthorized person who has come to several events, but stayed in the building to shower and sleep without permission. Anyone encountering such a person is encouraged to call 911 and ask for police to come with a “barring notice” – which must be issued to the unauthorized person at that time.

All Seekers are asked to remind ourselves and others: never prop the door open!

Then Stewards reviewed our present level of support for various community members and decided not to increase our current levels of support,

Because we were short of time, Deborah yielded her time for deeper sharing in favor of  Soul Talk.

Submitted April 8, 2016

By Marjory Bankson


2016 May Stewards Minutes
2016 March Stewards Minutes