Carroll Cafe Concert January 13th

Carroll Café

The Second Fridays Coffeehouse

Blues Divas: Lea Gilmore & Sheryl Sears

 Baltimore’s Lea Gilmore is a show-stopping Blues Diva who regularly tours Europe. Common Ground on the Hill’s multi-talented Walt Michael, known especially for his hammer dulcimer mastery, has performed at Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center and toured extensively throughout the U.S.and Europe. Walt will hold down the rhythm section with his tasty guitar licks along with one of D.C.’s hottest blues pianists, the amazing Ian WaltersCheryl_Sears



Opening will be the fabulous Sheryl Sears Trio, with David Oziel, Guitar and Howard Moss, Harmonica.


In February Carroll Café will feature David Roth. For more details, visit tne new Carroll Cafe website at:

Friday, January 13th

at Seekers Church

276 Carroll Street, NW

Across from Takoma METRO

7:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Doors open at 7:00

$15 donation (Students $10)

Info: 301-562-4147

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School of Christian Living - Spring Semester, Term 1
School of Christian Living - Winter Interlude