
Bokamoso Returns!

In January, 2012 Seekers Church will once again be blessed by a visit from the Bokamoso Youth Centre in Winterveldt, South Africa. We just heard from the Bokamoso Program Director that they have their visas, and travel arrangements are on track. The group will be arriving on January 4th. They are scheduled to bring the Word to our worship on Sunday, January 15th. We hope you will join us to hear first-hand their vibrant hope for the future. To see where else they will be appearing, check their calendar on the Bokamoso Foundation web site. 



 Seekers Church is delighted to welcome Bokamoso for what will be their 11th annual visit to this area. For the past ten years Roy Barber, a member of Seekers Church and teacher at St. Andrews School in Potomac Maryland, has nurtured our relationship with the Centre, facilitating visits from this area to Winterveldt and helping the visitors from Bokamoso meet and share their stories with people in this area.  

In addition to bringing the Word to our worship on January 15th, Seekers will be hosting a career workshop for members of the group at Seekers while they are here.

School of Christian Living - Winter Interlude
Carroll Cafe Concert December 9th