2013 February Stewards Minutes

Minutes of the Stewards Meeting
February 10, 2013

Present – Peter Bankson (moderator), Marjory Bankson (recorder), Ken Burton , Lewise Busch (angel), Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Dave Lloyd (angel), Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore , Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen

Worship – Sandra Miller shared a poem by Margaret Atwood, titled “The Woman Who Could Not Live With Her Faulty Heart.”

Housekeeping – The next Stewards meeting will be March 3 at Seekers Church at 5:00 pm.
Moderator: Deborah Worship: Margreta
Recorder: Sandra Angels: Cynthia & Trish

Updates & Reports
1) Rolling Ridge: Margreta requested someone else to be the link between Seekers and RR because of her work/travel schedule. Kevin Barwick was suggested.
a. Because we have relinquished use of our share, it would have to be scheduled.
b. If someone wants to use RR, our contribution of $1200 might mitigate costs.

2) Stillpoint: Keith reported use of 3 weekends/year by Seeker groups, but noted weekday use might be shared with Jesse. See Broken/Beloved Mission Group for scheduling.
a. Keith requested a link between Seekers website and Stillpoint.
b. Peter requested someone else to serve on the Stillpoint board. Jesse was suggested.

3) 2012 Building Use: Deborah (handout attached)
a. New Story Leadership Group will be using the office upstairs 4 hours/weekday. They have permission to spread out when other rooms upstairs are not being used, but will move if asked by regular users.
b. T&S Priority Use Guidelines for free use of our space
i. First priority: Scheduled activities by Seekers groups
ii. Second: Users sponsored by ongoing group [in line with the mission of that group]. Sponsoring group will welcome the users, provide oversight for appropriate use, pull the trash and secure the building afterward.
c. Stewards thanked T&S Mission Group for their art show in the gallery space.
i. Current show will be up thru February
ii. Josh Morganstein will have a show of nature photography in March
iii. Keith Seat will display his photos in April.

4) 2013 Art Hop: Sandra
On April 13-14, the Old Takoma Business Association will be sponsoring an art show in different downtown buildings. Keith Seat has entered and requested Seekers as the site of his display. Seekers will provide a reception if that is approved.

5) Preaching Report: Ken (handout attached)
Although Celebration Circle invites suggestions for creative worship, they are short-handed (4 members) and cannot initiate new ventures, such as shared conversations with Covenant Christian Community. If a mission group or individual will initiate, CC is ready to adapt.

6) Potter’s House Church Request: Keith
As the Seekers representative to the Ecumenical Council, Keith had circulated a request by the Potter’s House Church to set down its call and transfer the title to the Potter’s House building to the Church of the Saviour. A meeting date with PHC representatives, Kayla McClurg and Shelley Marcus, was set for Feb 24, right after worship. Stewards will have a more complete discussion at our next meeting, on March 3.


7) The State of Seekers: discussion led by Brenda/notes by Peter
Taking the long list of suggestions which we made at the last meeting, we divided into five groups to identify three or four issues which each mission group might take up.
Broken & Beloved
a) Does not have a call to provide spiritual companionship to others;
b) For fun, figure out “more” ….
Celebration Circle
a) CC does not control content of sermons (ref. suggested sermon topics);
b) We do shape liturgy to influence preaching;
c) CC invites Stewards to preach on particular topics.
a) We have many members who have needs: offer prayer support;
b) Help new people re-shape Seekers to meet their needs within a larger framework;
c) Pray about items on race, money and 7 other areas.
a) Will offer a one-week class on being welcoming to visitors;
b) Could provide lunch on 3rd Sundays;
c) Will encourage/guide Sunday morning welcomers.
Learners & Teachers
a) Agrees to sponsor “3rd Sunday Discussions” after church;
b) Encourage teachers in SCL to use more visuals, simpler language, interactive exercises based on personal experience to address differences in education & biblical understanding;
c) Will offer classes in spiritual autobiography, preaching and spiritual companionship.
Living Water
a) Offers periodic classes based on the disciplines expected of Stewards. Next up: tithing.
b) Will discuss the possibility of restarting Spirit Guides group.
Mission Support Group
a) By next summer, will have no Stewards in the group.
b) Possibility of recruiting Stewards to maintain mission group status.
Time & Space
a) For fun, sponsors Carroll Café, bike rides, sing-alongs, men/women’s breakfasts;
b) Provides pastoral support for members.

Two Stewards to Share – Cynthia and Margreta shared in depth about their current journeys.
That was followed by Soul Talk.

2013 March Stewards Minutes
2013 January Stewards Minutes