2014 October Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

October 5, 2014 Stewards Meeting

Present: Peter Bankson [angel], Marjory Bankson [recorder], Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Pat Conover,  Dave Lloyd [moderator], Sandra Miller [worship],Trish Nemore [angel], Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen.

 Absent:  Cynthia Dahlin

 Visitors: Michele Frome (CC),Vincent Shepherd (MSG), Glen Yakushiji (T&S)  

 Worship:  Sandra led worship with Psalm 19 from Nan Merrill’s translation, and concluded with reading the Stewards’ commitment together.  

Housekeeping:  next meeting will be November 2 at 5:00 pm (standard time) at Seekers Church. 

Moderator: Deborah               Worship: Trish

Recorder: Ken                        Angels: Dave & Kevin 

Mission Group Sharing: Learners & Teachers

Marjory reported that David Novello has taken leave from the group, and members are David Lloyd, Marjory Bankson, Jacqie Wallen and Marcia Sprague.  A recent growing edge has been supporting Maybelle Bennett’s class on Wednesday night – which has required flexibility because of many other users already scheduled in the building and no ability to provide a meal beforehand.

            Finding capable teachers is an ongoing challenge, along with discerning current needs in the community.

            Our spiritual practices include opening each meeting with prayer and a poem; listening deeply to one another; writing weekly spiritual reports and working with Marjory’s questions, along with personal disciplines which we identify each year.

            The call and mission of this group provides the School of Christian Living for Seekers and it undergirds the spiritual formation which is taking place in each mission group. A recent class on youth mental health (led by Joan Dodge) addressed some wider challenges in the community.

Upcoming Class Schedule: David Lloyd

Beginning October 8, David will offer a Hebrew Testament class on “Major Prophets” and Eyes to See mission group will offer a class on Racial Reconciliation.

            In January, we will probably offer a poetry class (one time) with John Morris and/or something on how the budget at Seekers is developed.

            Next Spring, we are planning a New Testament class and a class of Call or spiritual direction in the first term. In the second term, Brenda will offer a discussion of Marilynn Robinson’s new book, Lila, along with a class on Deepening our Relationship with Nature.

SLT Recommendation

Brenda presented a recommendation from SLT that we extend our respite from Jacob Folger for another six months.  That was unanimously approved.

Budget Report and Request: Marjory for FOG

A summary of income and expenses for 75% of 2014 (thru Sept) was shared.  Although income is running short of budget amounts, FOG anticipates we will have enough to cover our expenses by the end of the year. Pat requested that we add a note about invested funds (our share of 2025 + bequests). FOG will discuss the implications of that.

Mission groups were asked to submit their budget requests by Oct 13 if possible. A DRAFT BUDGET for 2015 will be presented by FOG at the November meeting.

Stewards Recommitment Review: all of the present Stewards intend to recommit.

Proposals from the Ecumenical Council: Keith

  1. Should the Council direct the Potter’s House Church share of any Church of the Saviour bequest money to the Potter’s House Project for the next two years?  Seekers approve.
  2. Should the Council approve Dayspring Church’s request for a “conservation easement” at Dayspring Farm? After much discussion about the common purposes for the Dayspring property,  this was seen as a short-term financial decision with long-term consequences that might detract from being able to sell the property eventually.

Stewards also felt that the Dayspring Church should be encouraged to do long-term financial planning to support the silent retreat ministry. Seekers recommend that this proposal not be approved by the Council as currently presented.

Two Stewards shared more deeply about their lives: Jacqie and Marjory

The meeting closed with SOUL TALK.

Submitted by Marjory Bankson

October 7, 2014

2014 November Stewards Minutes
2014 September Stewards Minutes