14 Book Dyer Growing Our Life Together

Sonya Dyer Books

Sonya Dyer

Sonya Dyer was one of the co-founders of Seekers Church. She was active in shaping our inclusive worship, and played a key role in the Hope and a Home mission group that supported For Love of Children.

Sonya shares:

I joined Fred Taylor in 1976 to sound the call to create Seekers church. We chose the name from a quote from Robert Greenleaf who believed that it takes seekers to call forth and enable prophets to express their vision. I was a Steward until my retirement in 1999.

I was part of the leadership team, offering my gifts of pastoring, creation and leading liturgy, and helping to weave our life together. I was a member of the FLOC Hope and A Home mission and saw this as one way to embody our commitment to justice.

Since retirement my husband and I moved to North Carolina. I have kept some connections with the ongoing life of the community and am gratified for the many ways that it has grown in spirit and enlarged the original vision. It has been true to its unfolding life and continued to shape and form itself as a part of the Body of Christ.

Sonya’s Books

14 Book Dyer Growing Our Life TogetherGrowing Our Life Together (with Jackie McMakin) Available on-line. (Click Here)

A selection of prayers from the quarter-century of Sonya’s leadership, presiding at worship of Seekers Church.


W14 Book Dyer Working From the Heartorking from the Heart (with Jackie McMakin) (2004: Potter’s House Book Service)  Ordering Information

A pragmatic eight-step process for finding or creating meaningful work. A simple and easy to use format that takes readers step by step toward the work they really want to do. Designed for individual or group use, this valuable book can be used for finding new work, enriching the work you have, or creating a retirement plan to continue contributing value through new circumstances. Beneficial for people of all ages.

Jacqueline McMakin Books
Ron Arms Book