2015 July Stewards Minutes

Seekers Church

July 5, 2015 Stewards Meeting


Stewards: Marjory Bankson (recorder), Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Michele Frome, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd (angel), Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore (angel), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Vincent Shepherd, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen.


Guests: Liz Gould-Leger, Larry Rawlings.

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, August 2 at 5:30pm (Conover-Nemore house)

Moderator: Deborah               Worship: Kevin

Notetaker:  Ken                      Angels: Judy & Vince

Worship was offered by Sandra, using two poems of Mary Oliver, followed by reading the CALL of SEEKERS CHURCH together.


Michele read her autobiography and was welcomed into Stewards, bringing the total to 17.


Financial Oversight Group (FOG) Mid-year Report: Marjory

  • Contributions on target for six-months at 52%
  • Expenditures for outreach is higher (75%), made possible because we are carrying bequest money in the checking account.
    • Next year, domestic and international giving (Cynthia and David) will ask for distribution dates so we can space out these expenditures.
  • Decision: to use the recent Church of the Saviour distribution of bequest money from Carol Fitch ($2,024) to pay for new furniture in the library.
  • 6-month summary is attached.


Church of the Saviour: Keith

Carol Martin, for Bread of Life Church, has requested contributions from the C of S churches for a common purpose – to underwrite an invitation which they have already extended to Fr. Carol Arico, to deepen our practice of Centering Prayer. He will give an introductory session at the Festival Center on Sept 12. A video series by Fr. Thomas Keating will be shown at different locations, then Fr. Arico will lead a centering prayer retreat at Wellspring, Oct 23-25.

  • Dave, for Learners & Teachers, affirmed our use of L&T budget money to purchase the Keating series and show them at Seekers on dates to be determined by the mission group;
  • Decision: to allocate $500 (beyond the current budget amount for C of S) to support this series.


Takoma Park Folk Festival: Larry

  • Date is Sept 20, but there is no online registration … so we are not registered yet. Information about local leadership and shortage of funds came from various people. Larry will keep us  updated.
  • Peter and Dave have offered to help Larry, but both will be away at times this summer.


PROPOSAL to change language in the Stewards’ Commitment Statement: Peter

            FROM: Foster justice and be in solidarity with the poor;

            TO: … foster justice and be in solidarity with those in need;

Because he is getting ready to republish the Guide to Seekers Church for Stewards, Peter offered this change to the wording of the Stewards’ Commitment Statement prior to the new edition. After some heated discussion about the intention of language inherited from Church of the Saviour, and the desire of some to highlight the systemic oppression of capitalism, we shifted out focus toward the freedom and inclusiveness of Jesus.

  • Decision: to listen more deeply to the prayer language of “those in need” for the next month or so, and exchange ideas for substitute wording by email. Schedule discussion by Stewards for August or September.

UPDATE on the Holy Spirit Fund: Trish

Although details from this confidential report are not included here, Stewards expressed their confidence in the SLT for using that money carefully to meet specific needs within the community.

Two Stewards to share: Pat and Trish


SOUL TALK concluded our meeting.

Submitted by Marjory Bankson

July 7, 2015

2015 August Stewards Minutes
2015 June Stewards Minutes