2015 November Stewards Minutes

  Seekers Church

November 1, 2015  Stewards Minutes


Stewards: Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson, Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Michele Frome, Judy Lantz, David Lloyd (note taker), Sandra Miller (angel), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Vincent Shepherd (angel), Margreta Silverstone (worship), Deborah Sokolove (moderator)


Guests: Larry Rawlings, Jim Cawley, Sharon Lloyd, Leslie Smith

Absent: Cynthia Dahlin, Jacqie Wallen

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Sunday, December 6 at 5:00 pm at the church

Moderator: Keith                    Worship: Sandra

Note taker:  Michele               Angels: Marjory & Peter

Worship was offered by Margreta, using Richard Rohr’s reflections on saints

CALL TO THE SERVANT LEADERSHIP TEAM.  Marjory reported for the Servant Leadership Discernment Group, which included Peter, Sandra, Deborah, Larry, Kate Amoss, and Denise LeClair.  The Group reviewed the call to which Trish and responded and joined the SLT and added some new language:  specifically, (1) that the Group prefers that the SLT include shared male and female leadership and encourages all who are called to apply; (2) that when each member of the SLT is reviewed that the member shall review his or her sense of call to the SLT, and to recommit with the affirmation of the review committee; (3) among the qualities and abilities desired will be the ability to bring to the pastoral team a healthy understanding of his/her own embodiment and sexuality, protect their own boundaries, respect the sexuality and boundaries of others, and support the leadership of both women and men.

The Stewards affirmed the report and agreed that those who feel called should submit a written description of their call and gifts for the SLT by December 15.  Marjory agreed to announce the call by circulating an e-mail to all Seekers and by announcing it during circle time on November 8.

CHRISTMAS OFFERING.  Brenda reported that the recipients of the Seekers Christmas offering have been designated and each recipient has a support person or team.

  1. OUTREACH.  Keith reported for the editing team that included Peter, David, and Katie Fisher.  Comments had been received on the second draft of the brochure, and as a result a third draft would be forthcoming.  Stewards expressed appreciation for the team’s efforts and empowered it to make the final decisions for the brochure, and empowered it to make final decisions on a postcard for the younger generation of adults and a Seekers business card.

Keith also reported on the broader efforts at outreach on behalf of the team that included Kevin, Margreta, Larry, and Pat Conover.  There was a well-attended after service conversation on October 18 and a second conversation will be held on November 22.  Those working on outreach will report back to Stewards at either the December or January meeting, and make regular reports back to Stewards.

Several other Stewards had updates regarding outreach.  We have been approached by the Electric Maid about forming a partnership to paint a mural on the brick wall alongside our driveway.  Sandra will follow up.  Sandra is interested in becoming a resource person for those moving into the new low and moderate income housing near the Takoma Metro and may be able to assist our outreach in that capacity.  Peter indicated that the Seekers Web site will be redesigned after decisions on our outreach message(s) have been made.

BOKAMOSO.  Jim Cawley thanked Seekers for its support of the Bokamoso Foundation.  He stated that we are seeing the Seekers-sponsored career development workshop (CDW) bear fruit in Winterveldt.  The methods used in the CDW are being shared by the Bokamoso youth in the middle and secondary schools there to help students identify their dream, have a vision of what they want, and path to prepare them to achieve it.  He related three success stories of two former Bokamoso students who came here and are now employed in their chosen field.  He also stated that Bokamoso has the Winterveldt franchise for the Love Life program, which uses a groundbreaker and youth mentors, and the former student who has a weekly radio show is using the CDW method in the program.

Jim said that the Bokamoso performance at Seekers worship will be on January 24, with the CDW that afternoon.  Visits to worksites will be on Tuesday the 26th, and the follow up “take home” meeting on the 28th.  They are planning backup dates in case of inclement weather.  Drivers are needed for the worksite visits.  The team is working on identifying work site visits to support the youths’ career interests.  The tentative list of performances from January 9 to February 10 has been prepared.  Vincent and Linda have been invited to prepare meals for the workshop days.

DRAFT BUDGET.  Marjory reported the draft budget on behalf of the financial oversight group (FOG).  The income and expenditures through the end of September were reviewed and are in line with the amounts and percentages from previous years.  The draft 2016 budget is similar to the 2015 budget but was amended to increase the administrative budget to pay for printing of the forthcoming brochure and postcard.  The budget includes the stipend and associated costs for a third SLT member.  Stewards will vote on the 2016 budget at the December meeting.

SHARING .  Vince and Michele shared from their lives, and the meeting concluded with Soul Talk, our opportunity for sharing by other Stewards.

Submitted by David Lloyd

November 9, 2015

2015 December Stewards Minutes
2015 October Stewards Minutes