2015 December Stewards Minutes

 Seekers Church

December 6, 2015 Stewards Minutes


Stewards: Marjory Bankson (angel), Peter Bankson (angel), Kevin Barwick, Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Michele Frome (recorder), Judy Lantz, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller (worship), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (moderator), Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen,

          Guests: none

          Absent: Vince Shepherd

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet next on Sunday, Jan. 3 at 5:00 pm at the church.

Moderator: Deborah                    Worship: Judy

Note taker: Marjory                      Angels: Margreta & Trish

WORSHIP was offered by Sandra, closing with the Stewards Commitment.

2016 STEWARDS MEETING CALENDAR:  Brenda led a discussion of meeting dates for Stewards for the coming year.  It was agreed that meetings will take place on the first Sunday of every month except for the following: September 11, 2016 and January 8, 2017.  The group debated whether to hold off on setting the September meeting date until the Takoma Park Folk Festival date is set; it was agreed to set a September meeting date now, with the option of revisiting the question later, if needed.

OUTREACH UPDATE:  Keith reported on behalf of the group working on outreach.  Another meeting open to all Seekers will take place on December 13.  A core group of people is committed to participating in a group to carry out outreach initiatives, including Keith, Kevin, Larry, Will, Teresa, Trish, and Richard. Stewards discussed whether the group will develop a written Call Statement and be granted authority at the point of call, or it will serve as a task force; it was agreed to wait and see what develops. In the meantime, the group will report monthly to Stewards.

The Brochure Team will meet in the coming week and then circulate a near-final version.

MURAL PROJECT WITH ELECTRIC MAID:  Deborah reported on discussions with the young woman at Electric Maid about a joint community outreach & beautification project to paint a mural on our shared driveway.  The young woman suggested putting the mural on our side of the driveway. We agreed that putting it on their side of the driveway is preferable.  We agreed to submit a letter to their landlord supporting the request to put a mural on the landlord’s wall.  It was noted that there would be expenses and we may be asked to make a contribution. 

APPROVAL OF 2016 BUDGET:  Marjory presented the proposed 2016 Budget on behalf of the Financial Oversight Group, and Stewards approved it as attached.

SOUL TALK concluded our meeting. 

The remainder of our time was spent in our annual Christmas celebration, organized and led by C ynthia.

-Submitted by Michele Frome

 December 27, 2015

2016 January Stewards Minutes
2015 November Stewards Minutes