Ministry Teams

Ministry teams sometimes spring up in Seekers to coordinate specific activities. These teams differ from mission groups because they are more narrowly focused on a particular task, may draw participants who are also members of mission groups, and do not include regular spiritual accountability. Current ministry teams include:

Art Gallery

Our gallery is a reflection of the ideals we hold dear as a faith community in the Christian tradition, which at its heart is an invitation to all without exclusion to explore Creation. The art we show comes from a variety of people: individuals from within our faith community, individuals from our wider local community, and group shows in collaboration with organizations that represent underserved and underexposed people in the wider world.

Bokamoso Career Workshop

Bokamoso 2102

The Bokamoso Career Workshop coordinates a two-day project at Seekers each winter for young adults from the Bokamoso Life Centre in Winterveldt, an impoverished township in South Africa. These workshops focus on resume-writing, skill identification, and worksite visits.

Carroll Café

The Carroll Cafe team coordinates a concert series at Seekers Church on the second Friday of the month from October through June. Concerts feature local and national acts mostly in the roots and folk traditions.

Down the Road

Down the Road is a project aimed at helping Seekers:

  • remain connected to the Seekers community as they age;
  • plan ahead for aging-related needs in themselves and their loved ones;
  • be supportive for older Seekers and those who care for older loved ones.

Through its website, Down the Road provides information about services and resources, creates opportunities for sharing and discussion, and facilitates specific projects related to housing, transportation, or other issues of concern to older adults.

Martha’s Mob

We support our building maintenance with a quarterly work party of community volunteers, affectionately known as “Martha’s Mob” (see Luke 10:38-42). The Time and Space mission group identifies tasks that take more time than the weekly cleaners have available and projects that don’t require a contractor. Both men and women volunteer for such tasks as defrosting freezers, cleaning cabinets, changing HVAC filters and light bulbs, inspecting and repairing chairs, and lubricating doors. For more information contact

Men’s Breakfast

Men in Seekers Church gather for breakfast on alternate Saturdays at a diner in Silver Spring. This is an opportunity for extended informal conversation that deepens their connections. For more information contact