
Joyful Anticipation: Christmas Eve at Seekers Church



On Christmas Eve we were blessed in so many ways as we gathered for our annual celebration of food and song and prayer. We welcomed many of our “graduates,” who returned from far and near to wait together again the birth of Jesus.





  Koinonia Mission Group transformed the sanctuary into a festive dining room. The supper the buffet in the kitchen was full of variety and the dessert table was pure delight. We had 45 sign up for dinner, set places for 60 and in the end were delighted to serve 80, with a bit left over. This year we welcomed several folks from the 12-step groups who meet at Seekers on Thursday evenings. It was a blessing to share out table and celebration with them.



09_xmas_eve_songfest_lite.jpgAfter a dinner graced by conversation as rich as the food, most of us went to the gallery downstairs where Dave Lloyd led us in a warm-up songfest while the sanctuary was transformed for the celebration of Lessons and Carols.






Being together was a time of rich blessing. Thanks to all who came early to set up, who came to share food and conversation, song and story and prayer as we celebrated together once again the joy of Christmas.





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