March Stewards Minutes 2012

Stewards Meeting Minutes

March 4, 2012

Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Lewise Busch, Pat Conover, David Lloyd, Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore, Will Ramsey (worship), Brenda Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove (moderator), Jacqie Wallen.


Absent: Ken Burton, Cynthia Dahlin, Keith Seat.


Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on Palm Sunday, April 1 at 5:30pm

Moderator: David                        Worship: Sandra

Notetaker: Peter                        Angels: Lewise & Trish


Worship was offered by Will with scripture & readings on the theme of willingness & action.



  • Seekers Silent, April 27-29 and Sept 21-23 at Dayspring;
  • Men’s Retreat, May 4-6 will be offered by Kevin, Will & Bill Wilson at Stillpoint;
  • Women’s Retreat, May 19, by Marjory (with Anne Smith) at Seekers;
  • Rolling Ridge has Seekers listed for four weekends in 2012 altho we have relinquished our claim on regular weekends there. Next available: May 25.


Discussion: how to raise up importance of retreats for our “inward journey” included suggestions that we (Stewards) tell others why retreat is important to us; that we include some “personal testimony” along with announcements on the web; sermons and inclusion of retreat in “Semi-secrets of Seekers class at the School.


GUATEMALA PILGRIMAGE, July 14-24 (update by Peter)

Aeren is doing an outstanding job of coordination with PAVA for building the first library/computer center. There are 11 people signed up thus far (for 24 spaces), with expressions of interest from another dozen. Ad in the CoS newsletter may bring others.



The conversation/interview with Trish Nemore after worship today was attended by 22 Seekers (7 Stewards). “It was affirmation by acclamation,” Deborah said, and then Stewards unanimously affirmed Trish’s call to the Servant Leadership Team.


GIVING in SEEKERS (No decision planned at this meeting)

Pat began the discussion by summarizing his paper which had been distributed via email. Although grateful for the generosity of Seekers, he does not want our expectation of giving to keep anyone from membership in Stewards. He would like us to change one of the nine disciplines of Stewards found in the Guide to Seekers Church which currently reads

  • Giving proportionately of income, to Seekers Church, beginning at ten percent.

To initiate the discussion, Pat suggested this wording:

  • Financial giving to Seekers that is sufficient to express full investment in Seekers grounded in thankfulness, caring, and responsibility.

Brenda offered this background for the discussion:

In 2011, contributed income was $273,000

            Of that, Stewards contributed $225,000 (from 18 Stewards)

            Other Seekers contributed $48,000 (from 21 members & 22 regular attenders)

We divided into three groups for discussion of two questions. Results are listed below:


Question #1: How do I feel about giving to or through Seekers Church?           

Group 1: Love giving thru Seekers because it broadens our concerns beyond individual giving

            Giving bridges differences in theology—reaches beyond personal preferences

            Positive feelings about having a desired goal at the beginning of intentional giving

Group 2: Varied feelings about whether giving was easy or not

            In kind services or wealth that are not monetary

            Guilt about not meeting goal of 10%

Group 3: Wide ranging feelings

            Some kind of aspirational goal is important altho sensitive to Pat’s concern

            “off the hook” by giving to Seekers and not having to make decisions about every request

            Maybe go back to original CoS language of “God is the owner, I am the ower”

            Not always thrilled w/every organization that Seekers supports

Question #2: How do I want Seekers to present the guidance re: giving to Stewards and to the wider community?

Group 1: Need to regularly revisit issues of money as a spiritual issue thru SCL & preaching

            Stress culture of generosity at Seekers — include time, energy, care for whole too

            Issue is intentionality rather than a set amount – desire to grow beyond comfort zone

Stewards: need to grow in care for community (e.g. volunteer for roles in Stewards meetings; pick up cups, dishes, trash & clean-up in kitchen)

Group 2: Focused on dynamics

            Did not want to have 10% be a barrier to joining Stewards

            “Belonging w/o obligation is not meaningful”

Stewards are witnesses to generosity but that also takes the pressure off the wider community for their giving

            Are we simply giving from net income? Or from other wealth?

Group 3: need more opportunities to talk about money and giving

            Encourage individual conversations in coffee hour

            In our hour before recommitment, we might focus on where we are giving time & money

            What are the other CoS communities doing about giving?

                                                            [to be continued next month]

David made a brief report about DC regulations regarding hiring community members for periodic jobs (chairs, cooking) and staff (SLT, treasurer & building coordinator). Check with him regarding questions.


Sharing and Soul Talk

Peter gave his “birthday” sharing. Deborah and Will are scheduled for April.


Submitted by Marjory Bankson, March 5, 2012

April Stewards Minutes 2012
February Stewards Minutes 2012