June Stewards Minutes



Seekers Church
June 6, 2010

Meeting held at the Conover-Nemore summerhouse.

Present: Trish Nemore, Deborah Sokolove (Moderator), Jill Joseph (visiting as preparation for becoming a Steward), David Lloyd, Margreta Silverstone, Sandra Miller, Pat Conover, Peter Bankson,  Cynthia Dahlin , Marjory Bankson, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat (worship), Kate Cudlipp, Ken Burton, Lewise Bush, Jacqie Wallen (notetaker).
Jill Joseph visited the meeting.

Absent: No one

Worship: Keith led us in meditating on rains that had fallen in our lives and how we had reacted to them.  A number of those present shared a wide variety of experiences with rain.

For Next Month: July 11, 2010, 5:30 at the Conover-Nemore summerhouse
Moderator…Ken                 Notes……… David
Worship….. Sandra            Angels…….Lewise, Marjory

Time and Space:  Keith told us that there are currently six worshipping groups at Seekers, including Seekers (if you count the Faith and Money group and the small Seed Faith group). There are one or two renters who are having trouble keeping up with their rent payments.  Options were discussed but no decision was made.

Linking to The Center for Progressive Christianity:  Kate noted that Seekers membership had lapsed at some point but has now been renewed and encouraged anyone who is interested in following the work of the center to join as an individual.  Pat expressed an interest in the children’s curriculum developed by the Center and also suggested hosting a conference on Progressive Christianity at Seekers.  Peter reported that the Center also has a project on inclusive liturgies and that he had given them information about how to access Seekers liturgies.  There is a link on the website to the Center.


Marjory brought everyone up to date on outcomes from the three-week School of Christian Living class on money.  She pointed out that there seemed to be general agreement on the value of programs that empower the participants to make positive changes in their lives, including the financing of microloans and also an interest in developing financial capital, perhaps in the process of expanding Seekers parking.  She handed out copies of guidelines for Seekers Giving that had been developed from 1977 to 2000 while Seekers was in the process of looking for and developing its own space and asked the group to discuss any changes that had occurred in how Seekers determined giving or any other things they noticed about the guidelines.  Marjory asked the question: How can we keep this thread of conversations about money active and keep it lively?  She suggested asking Andrew McLeod (who worships at Seekers), author of Holy Cooperation!, a book about Christian cooperatives, to lead some discussions at Seekers.  Marjory asked for volunteers to join with her and Brenda in taking a next step to think about what would be involved in rethinking Seekers guidelines for giving.  The following Stewards volunteered but the group will be open to the whole community:
•    Lewise
•    Keith
•    Peter
•    Pat
•    Margreta
•    David
Jill also volunteered to participate in the group.


Following dinner, Brenda shared a list of Seekers not currently in a mission group and we discussed whether there were any who needed more shepherding.  


After a time for SOUL TALK, the meeting closed with prayer.

July Stewards Minutes
May Stewards Minutes