“I Witness” — a dramatic reading for Palm/Passion Sunday

2018 Lent Bulletin Cover with image adapted from Hokusai "Under the Wave off Kanagawa"March 25, 2018

Palm/Passion Sunday

Ten Seekers presented a “reader’s theater” production of “I Witness” by Wanda Berry. The author descibes this play as “a group of 10 monologues that blend into a sort of choral speaking ending. Each inanimate object speaks out as a witness of Christ’s presence here on earth and His death. Each inanimate object (except the donkey) tells of the part they played and how they felt as they participated in their God-given assignments.”

For the reading at Seekers, the play was edited to better represent an inclusive theology emphasizing love and forgiveness rather than substitutionary atonement and recognizing that God is beyond gender. Seekers tends to speak of Jesus as the fullest example of human response to God’s call on one’s life, seeing his life, death, and resurrection as the embodiment of God’s love for humankind. The original script may be found at http://www.dramatix.org.nz/scripts/easter-mainmenu-34/623-i-witnes

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