School for Christian Growth Spring 2019 Second Term

Tuesday evenings 7 p.m.–9:30 p.m.
March 26 –April 30

Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light vegetarian dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 7:00 and classes begin at 7:45.

We are offering the following two classes this term. You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate.

Our Faith and Working for a Better World

Led by members of the Eyes to See Mission Group

Each class session will offer a meditation and discussion on a passage from the Bible; a story by a member of the Eyes to See Mission Group linking faith, work, and vision; and small-group discussions in which participants share from their lives about the relevance of biblical guidance for 21st century spiritual journeys, and about how our faith shapes our work and callings.

Homework will include pondering a biblical passage, thinking about what you do to make your work meaningful, and considering how your faith serves as guidance for the challenges you face as you do God’s work in the world.

People newer to Seekers might find this class especially valuable as a way of getting to know individual Seekers in more depth as they live out their call.

The Eyes to See, Ears to Hear Peace Prayer Mission Group is called to be a place of prayer and action for the myriad circumstances in the world that are in need of justice, peace, and healing. Click here for more information on mission groups at Seekers Church.

The 12 Steps for Everyone

Led by Jacqie Wallen & John Morris

Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) is a spiritually based peer-support program in which recovering alcoholics achieve and maintain sobriety through “working” 12 suggested steps. Numerous other 12-step programs have come into existence, all based on the A.A. model. They include: Al-Anon, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, Debtors Anonymous, Codependents Anonymous, Sex Addicts Anonymous, and many others.

This class explores the idea that everyone can benefit from work- ing the 12 steps. We all suffer from the human condition, we all need help letting go of unhealthy attachments, we all have a “higher power,” and we can all benefit from sharing our experi- ence, strength, and hope with one another. We will focus on two steps each week, using readings from the “Big Book” of A.A. and other recovery materials, along with in-class assignments and discussions.

Note: Jacqie and John will be sharing from their own experience with, and reflections on, the steps, not as official representatives of any 12-step program; nor will these classes serve as meetings for recovery from addiction.

John Morris has taught for many years at The Writer’s Center and at the Seekers School for Christian Growth. He writes fiction and poetry, and has a Master’s degree in philosophy. Jacqie Wallen is a clinical social worker with training in several expressive approaches to self-awareness.

Carroll Cafe -- Friday, June 14th 2019
Seekers Gallery presents "Artists in Exile: Art as Fabric for Healing"