A Community of Communities

Since we began dreaming of our move to Takoma DC, long before we arrived in 2004, Seekers Church had a deep desire to share our space with other missions, ministries and organizations that are called to serve the greater good. Over the past decade we’ve helped that dream grow into a lively community of communities, that includes meetings by many different groups. In 2016, 49 different groups held over 550 events in our space. This did not include meetings or daily operations by Seekers Church or the three other organizations that use our space as their headquarters.

Currently, 19 of these 49 event sponsors host regular meetings at our place. Those who participate in their events often see our home on Carroll Street as their place for worship and meditation, healing practices like 12-step programs, folk life and music, and healing support.

Click here to go to brief introductions to these groups, with links to help you find more information about them and their activities. 

 • Al-Anon/ Alateen Information Service (Washington DC Region)
Alcoholics Anonymous The Takoma Rush Hour Group
Blue Mountain Center of Meditation (BMCM) Satsang
Carpe Diem Arts – Summer Arts
Carpe Diem Language Immersion Camps
Christ Temple Ministries Church
Covenant Christian Community
Emotions Anonymous
Fabrangen Cheder
Folklore Society of Greater Washington
Free Minds Book Club
Insight Meditation Community of Washington
Institute of Musical Traditions
Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers
New Story Leadership
• Seekers Yoga
Silver Spring Zendo/One Heart Sangha
Takoma Groove Camp
The Sanctuaries
Triumphant Victory Christian Church

Guatemala Pilgrimage Update
Carroll Cafe - May 2016 (2)