“About L.A.C.E.S” by Seren Fryatt

Bulletin cover for Epiphany 2013January 13, 2013

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Seren Frost is the founder and executive director of L.A.C.E.S. which stands for Life And Change Experienced thru Sports. Seren’s organization uses space in our building for meetings several times a month, so she was invited to tell us about how she had been called to help children in Liberia.



In 2006 Seren played soccer professionally in Liberia, West Africa just a few years after a brutal 14- year civil war had ended. Through the relationships she built with fellow teammates Seren realized the impact sports can have in providing social rehabilitation and an avenue for moving forward. In partnership with local Liberian staff together they have built a successful model that empowers communities, parents, and churches to rise up positive role models through the avenue of sports and provides them with the tools to make lasting change.


The full text of this sermon is not yet available.

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