Carroll Cafe Concert April 13th

Carroll Café

The Second Fridays Coffeehouse

Scott Ainslie


From community concert series and local schools to the Kennedy Center and the renowned Empire Music Hall in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Scott Ainslie plays and speaks of the music he loves with passion and authority. Scott presents a beguiling mix of the African and American roots of the Blues in story and song.


Ainslie’s new CD, Thunder’s Mouth, is an original and moving extension of his work with African and African-American music. It is a powerful body of work that brings together diverse songs and influences from traditional acoustic blues and African-American songs, Ainslie’s original songs, and African solo guitarists blending it into a harmonious whole.



Join us for an evening to remember. To make reservations, visit tne new Carroll Cafe website at:,


Watch for announcements about the rest of our 2011-2012 season:

May 11 — Blue Moon Cowgirls, with the Harley String Band

June 16 SATURDAY  – Sally Rogers and Claudia Schmidt


Friday, April 13th

at Seekers Church

276 Carroll Street, NW

Across from Takoma METRO

7:30 – 10:00 p.m.

Doors open at 7:00

$15 donation (Students $10)

Info: 301-562-4147

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School of Christian Living - Spring Semester, Term 3
Community of Communities at Seekers