School for Christian Growth Classes

Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light vegetarian dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 6:45 and classes begin at 7:30.

We generally offer two classes per term, which are now online. You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate.

Spring 2015 – Second Term

The Ten Commandments: Laws of the Heart

Led by Peter Bankson

Are the Ten Commandments just a set of rules or are they a way of life? How does each one call us to reflect on out life and values? What does it mean to love God and our neighbor in a world where violence, greed, and fear threaten our lives, our values, our hearts? Using a DVD course by Joan Chittister, Peter Bankson will facilitate discussion of the Ten Commandments, ending with the two Great Commandments of the New Testament, “Love God with all your heart, and your neighbor as yourself.”


Lila by Marilyn Robinson

Led by Brenda Seat

Lila, homeless, abandoned, but still proud walked into a small church in Gilead, Iowa one wretched rainy night. There she met a man, Reverend Ames, who reached out to her and with whom she felt safe, something she rarely felt with anyone. For her this was the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one where she didn’t need to wonder when her next meal would come from, or if someone would beat her. Instead she had to learn how to belong in a world that she had little preparation for and with little understanding of it ways. Her story is a story of strength and courage and taking a risk to find love and to hold on to it even when it was unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  

Lila is Lila’s story told in her own words, from her childhood until she reaches Gilead. Although we have heard parts this story from Reverend Ames’ perspective in Gilead, in Lila we hear it from the beginning and from Lila’s perspective, from her hard scrabble beginnings and Doll’s love and companionship, until she reaches and decides to stay in Gilead.


Spring 2012 – Second Term

Tuesdays, March 20 – April 24
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm


Classes are free and all are welcome. A light dinner will be served at 7:00 ($4 donation suggested), and the actual classes begin around 7:45 and end at 9:30.

There Once Was… (New Testament Parables)

Led by David Lloyd

We’ll explore the meaning of Jesus’ parables in Luke and the other gospels for the 21st century using art, music, and movement to help unlock the text.  We’ll look at familiar parables (including the sower and the seed, the good Samaritan, the prodigal son,) with new eyes and explore some less familiar ones (the persistent widow, the friend who came at midnight, the cost of the tower), and we’ll tackle the ones with a hard message (the dishonest steward, the vineyard workers, the big dinner party).   This class counts as a New Testament class.


Semi-Secrets of Seekers: Everything You Wanted to Know But Didn’t Know Who to Ask

Led by Marjory Bankson  

We will explore the worship experience as living theology; our culture of commitment, mission groups & retreat; distributed leadership and how it works; the role of Stewards and the Servant Leadership Team; money as a spiritual issue, and how Seekers might support your call now. Come with your questions. Expect some reading, personal sharing and weekly written responses. 



Sign up at Seekers or e-mail Jacqie Wallen here