
Our inclusive language liturgies set the structure and theme of Sunday morning worship. All liturgies are written by the Celebration Circle Mission Group.

Feel free to use what is helpful from these liturgies. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and cite the URL.

Easter 2012 – Because Christ Is Always Risen




Holy Jesus, I hear God’s mighty “Yes!” in
your Resurrection.
You invite me to live also,
and I want to say “Yes!” to you.
Take me out of the tomb that
imprisons me,
lead me into the morning of new life,
and walk with me wherever your love
may lead.

Peter Storey, Listening at Golgotha, p87-88


Lent 2012 – Promise in a Dark Time




Great indeed is the baptism which is offered you. It is a ransom to captives; the remission of offenses; the death of sin; the regeneration of the soul; the garment of light; the holy seal indissoluble; the chariot to heaven; the luxury of paradise; a procuring of the kingdom; the gift of adoption.

Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem (c. 315-386)

from “Catechetical Lectures of S. Cyril”

Epiphany 2012 – The Heavens Are Open




When we can identify the kingdom of heaven sown around us it’s not just an FYI kind of thing; it’s a subversion. It’s God peeking through the curtain and letting us know that there is a deeper reality present in the world – a reality in which God gets God’s way.

Nadia Bolz-Weber, pastor of House for All Sinners and Saints, Denver, Colorado. From a sermon titled “The Kingdom of Heaven is like . . .” Aug. 8, 2011

Advent 2011 – Tear Open the Heavens

2011 Advent bulletin cover

2011 Advent bulletin cover


Our whole life is Advent — that is, a time of waiting for the ultimate, for the time when there will be a new heaven and a new earth . . . . Learn to wait, because he has promised to come. . . . We call to him: “Yes, come soon, Lord Jesus!”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, A Testament to Freedom


Jubilee 2011 – How Can We Love?




Let me bathe in your words.

Let me soak up your silence.

Let me hear your voice.

Let me enter your quiet.

Let me tell out your stories.

Let me enclose them within me.

Let me be the spaces

between the phrases

where you make your home.

Jan L. Richardson, In Wisdom’s Path, p.96