Our inclusive language liturgies set the structure and theme of Sunday morning worship. All liturgies are written by the Celebration Circle Mission Group.
Feel free to use what is helpful from these liturgies. We only ask that when substantial portions are abstracted or used in a written work, please credit Seekers Church and cite the URL.
Easter 2010 – The Light of the World
And then the sun rose and Jesus was alive and terror fled and the Resurrection was an inner brightness as glorious as the outer brightness of the Transfiguration.
Madeline l’Engle, Bright Evening Star, pg. 190
Advent 2009 – Where is the Promise?
She was five,
sure of the facts,
and recited them with slow solemnity
convinced every word
was revelation.
She said
they were so poor
they had only peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to eat
and they went a long way from home
without getting lost. The lady rode
a donkey, the man walked and the baby
was inside the lady….
— fromJohn Shea, "The Hour of the Unexpected," quoted in Ronald Rolheiser,This Holy Longing
Jubilee 2009 – Breaking the Bonds
Maundy Thursday
Welcome to this service of remembrance. Tonight we will be together as Jesus was with the disciples on his last night. We will begin with the servant ritual of foot washing that Jesus offered the disciples, and continue with a simple meal.
The Season after Epiphany 2009 – Straining Toward Salvation
To love the world as God loves the world is to embrace it as it is and run with it, straining toward salvation.
from Rachel Reeder, "Art of Our Own Making"
in The Landscape of Praise: Readings in Liturgical Renewal,
Blair Gilmer Meeks, ed., p. 13.