14 Book Bankson Stalking the Spirit

Marjory Bankson Books

Marjory Bankson

Marjory is a potter, a seasoned spiritual guide, and the author of six books. Her most recent book, Stalking the Spirit in a Do-It-Yourself Church, is the story of Seekers Church as it emerged from The Church of the Saviour. Former president of Faith At Work (now called Lumunos) and editor of Faith@Work magazine for over twenty years, Marjory now chairs the Ecumenical Council of The Church of the Saviour, facilitates clergy support groups in the Washington, DC area and travels nationally to offer retreats and workshops. She currently teaches on call, desert spirituality and creative aging at Seekers Church, Washington National Cathedral, the Servant Leadership School, Wesley Seminary in Washington DC and Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, Virginia.

Marjory Shares:

Books were my best friends in the twenty years that we moved for my husband’s career. I began writing my first book, Braided Streams: Esther and a Woman’s Way of Growing, when we lived in Germany and I couldn’t legally work. It was my way to be in conversation with others who wanted to recover women’s stories from the Bible, and that led me to seminary in the early 80s.

In 1985, I became the first woman president of Faith At Work, a relational ministry started in the late 30s by Sam Shoemaker, who was the pastor who helped “Bill W” start Alcoholics Anonymous. Editing and publishing F@W magazine gave me lots of opportunity to write, to explore relational theology, and to design retreats. Seasons of Friendship and Call to the Soul came out of those years.

When I retired from F@W in 2008, I thought I would return to an earlier vocation as a potter. But the book that grew out of my studio time, The Soulwork of Clay, raised all kinds of questions among friends and former retreatants about retirement and call. Because I believe that God’s call spirals through our lives, taking different forms in different seasons, I wrote Creative Aging: Rethinking Retirement and Non-retirement in a Changing World. That continues to open many conversations about the meaning and purpose of these generative years.

When Sonya Dyer retired from Seekers, and was preparing to move to North Carolina in 2000, she gave me her notes and records from the early days, and the Stewards of Seekers authorized me to write our story. At the time, we were immersed in finding a new home for Seekers. It took two early drafts, lots of community comment, and some history in our new location on Carroll Street to find a suitable pause for the story, Stalking the Spirit in a Do-It-Yourself Church. I have tried to make this an accurate historical record as well as the story of how we have tried to listen for guidance from the Sprit at crucial turning points.


Marjory’s Books:


14 Book Bankson Stalking the SpiritStalking the Spirit in a Do-It-Yourself Church. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2014.     Ordering Information 

This book is the story of Seekers Church, known for creative worship, an open pulpit, shared leadership, a strong matrix of mission groups, and generous giving.


14 Book Bankson Creative AgingCreative Aging, Rethinking Retirement and Non-Retirement in a Changing World. Woodstock, VT: Skylight Paths Publishing, 2011. Ordering Information  

Explores the spiritual dimensions of retirement and aging, offering creative ways to to share your gifts and experience, particularly when retirement leaves you questioning who you are when you are no longer defined by your career.


14 Book Bankson Soulwork of ClayThe Soulwork of Clay: A Hands-On Approach to Spirituality (Photography by Peter Bankson). Woodstock, VT: SkyLight Paths, 2008. Ordering Information

Takes the reader through a seven-step process of making clay into a fired vessel, drawing parallels at each stage to the process of spiritual growth.


14 Book Bankson Call to the SoulCall to the Soul: Six Stages of Spiritual Development. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress Press, 2004. http://store.augsburgfortress.org/store/product/8296/The-Call-to-the-Soul

Describes the Cycle of Call (inward & outward dimensions) and the Spiral of Call (identity, work, gift and legacy).

14 Book Bankson Braided StreamsBraided Streams: Esther and A Woman’s Way Of Growing. Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Books, 2005. Ordering Information    

Explores how the spiritual, cultural and physical streams of life intersect for wholeness.


14 Book Bankson Seasons of FriendshipSeasons of friendship: Naomi and Ruth as a Pattern. Revised edition Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Books, 2005. Ordering Information

Draws on the biblical story of Ruth and Naomi, exploring what we can learn from their unique friendship that survived marriages and moves, death and displacement. The book proposes that we need different kinds of friendships in different seasons of our lives.

Peter Bankson's Books
Books by Seekers Church Authors