
Movie and Conversation – July 15th

11_Jul_Black_men_named_georgeWe the People:
A Film Series to Promote Conversation
About Race & Diversity

Join others interested in cultivating relationships across
racial & societal divides to build an inclusive community.

7:00 p.m. Friday, July 15th, 2011

 (You are welcome to bring a brown bag dinner.)


10,000 Black Men Named George

During the Depression, gainful employment is practically nonexistent for African-Americans. The only available jobs are as porters for the Pullman Rail Company (which pays blacks one-third of what white employees make). Journalist Philip Randolph (Andre Braugher) makes it his mission to help these forgotten workers — called “George,” after company founder George Pullman — and helps form the first black union in America. Robert Townsend directs.


The Sacred Conversation encourages wholesome, respectful relationships across borders that separate people by race, beliefs, culture, economics, gender, and other factors in order to create new experiences of trust and peace building.


For more information please use the “contact us” link under Visitors above.

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A Successful Pilgrimage
Seekers Cyclists