November 2009 Stewards Minutes

Seekers Stewards Meeting

November 1, 2009


Present:Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson (angel), Ken Burton,  Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp , Cynthia Dahlin, Jane Engle, Sue Johnson, Muriel Lipp, Dave Lloyd (moderator) Sandra Miller (worship leader), Patricia Nemore (recorder), Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone (angel), Deborah Sokolove

Absent: Lewise Busch, Jacqie Wallen, Deborah Sokolove (part

of the meeting)


Worship: Sandra led a reflection on recommitment/breaking the bonds and the lesson to Love God, Love our Neighbor



         Next Meeting: December 6, 2009 at 4:30

                  Moderator- Ken        

                  Recorder- Sandra

         There will be no meal and no worship as we will have spent the first part of the meeting at Convivium, and at the reception following the Convivium concert.  The business portion will comprise a budget-related vote, described later in these minutes.


Changing the time for Stewards’ meetings

         Sue presented the reflections of herself, Muriel and Lewise that traveling twice to Seekers for evening Stewards meetings is very wearing and very un-green for those who live considerable distance away, and that staying in town means a more than 12 hour day at or near church. We  had considerable discussion about other possibilities, named that issues might be affect our decision 1) which spaces would be available to us; 2) how/if we share a  meal with each other and whether the wider community would be invited; 3) the fact that others are tired after worship and value resting at home before returning to the evening meeting.  A high value seemed to be meeting in the Sanctuary, rather than the first floor conference room.  We decided to try meeting after worship in January and February, if Interplay is willing to change its monthly date/time. We  will  gather after  worship, invite the wider community to join us, if they wish.  We will have a meal together after the first part of the meeting. If Interplay is not willing to change, we will revisit  this at the January meeting at our regular time and place.  Margreta stood aside from the decision.


Consideration of the 2010 Budget

         Much of  the discussion about the budget centered on the actual dollar disparity between our domestic and international giving.  Points of discussion included that part of domestic goes to C of S-related ministries which have been handled separately in the past, that cost-of-living in US means we get greater value for our dollars abroad, that the dichotomy between domestic and foreign is a false one, that it  is important for us to reach beyond what we have close contact with (and therefore to increase foreign giving).  After the discussion, seven of us approved an increase in foreign giving of $10,000 and domestic of $5,000 (from our net income surplus) and eight of us approved an increase in both of $10,000. Ultimately, 15 of us approved the increase of $10,000 for both, with Margreta and Dave abstaining. (Deborah was not present for this discussion or approval.)  All of us, except Deborah, approved the income side of the budget and, with the exception of the increase discussed above, the budget as a whole.

Sale of 2025


         Keith reported that the Government of Georgia has not sent back the contract expected from the Letter of Intent.  We have sent them a warning saying the letter of intent will be cancelled if they do not respond expeditiously.


Shepherds in Stewards

         Marjory, Brenda and Keith are our shepherds and have been watching and praying for our meetings.


Proposal for bridge loan for Bokamoso troupe’s travel to DC

         This proposal to provide a bridge loan of about $21,200 was approved by all.  Out of the discussion, it became clear we needed further discussion about the continued disparity of dollars in our international and domestic giving budgets.


FOG proposal for spending net income for 2009

         After an imaging exercise at a previous meeting in which we were asked  to line up in a spectrum to show our desires for spending net income (between loan repayment and increased giving), FOG proposed, for our approval or modification at our next meeting, that we use 75% for loan repayment and 25% for increased giving in the form of a one time gift.  There was discussion of a gift (separate from the net income described above) of approximately $95,000 from an anonymous donor and how to use that gift. Deborah, who will not be present when we vote in December, expressed her interest in using the gift in accordance with the wishes of the donor, if any were stated.


Two Stewards to Share

         Jane and Deborah offered updates on their lives and journeys.


Soul talk

         The meeting concluded with soul talk.


December 2009 Stewards Minutes
October 2009 Stewards Minutes