Pentecost 2006

Living the Vision


Seekers Church

A Christian Community

In the Tradition of the Church of the Saviour

Pentecost 2006 – Living the Vision







The community of persons closest to us has the power to keep us in the tomb of fear or to call us into the daybreak of hope. Do those around us call us to huddle more closely together and bolt the doors of our upper room? Or do they help us throw the doors open because we have experienced together the freeing call to action which is the Spirit of Jesus in our midst?

Sr. Loretta Mather

From an address to the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, 1981

Quoted on "Inward/Outward,"


Eternal Spirit, Father and Mother of us all,

Holy is your name.

Ei Pedare måkeħ dar āsmånī, nåme to moġadas båd.

Malakūte to bejājåd.

Vår fader, du som är i himlen.
Låt ditt namn bli helgat.


Ten ni mashi masu warera no Chichi yo, Negawaku wa, mi na wo agame sase tamae.

Vater Unser im Himmel,
Geheiligt werde Dein Name,

Laïy Cha chuùng con laø Ñaáng ngöï treân trôøi,
xin laøm cho danh thaùnh Cha vinh hieån,

Avinu shebashamayim
yitkadesh shimcha,

Abwûn d’bwaschmâja
Nethkâdasch schmach

Our Father who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Notre Père qui es aux cieux!
Que ton nom soit sanctifié;

Padre Nuestro
que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu nombre,

Let justice and mercy fill all Creation

and let us recognize that every thought and thing belongs to you.

Va erdåte to čonånkeħ dar āsmån ast zamīn nåfez båd.

Låt ditt rike komma.
Låt din vilja ske,
på jorden så som i himlen.

Mi kuni wo kitarase tamae. Mi kokoro no ten ni naru gotoku, chi ni mo nasase tamae.

Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe,
Wie im Himmel, so auf Erden.

trieàu ñaïi Cha mau ñeán,
yù Cha theå hieän döôùi ñaát cuõng nhö treân trôøi.

tavo malchutecha,
yease retsoncha kebashamayim ken ba’aretz.

Têtê malkuthach
Nehwê tzevjânach aikâna d’bwaschmâja af b’arha

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

que ton règne vienne;
que ta volonté soit faite sur la terre comme au ciel.

venga a nosotros tu reino,
hágase tu voluntad
así en la tierra como en el cielo.

Feed us with the bread we need for today.

Nane rūzīneħ je mārā dar īn rūz bemå beħ baķš.

Ge oss i dag vårt bröd för dagen som kommer.

Warera no nichjyo no kate wo kyo mo atae tame.

Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute,

Xin Cha cho chuùng con hoâm nay löông thöïc haèng ngaøy;

Et lechem chukenu ten lanu hayom,

Hawvlân lachma d’sûnkanân jaomâna

Give us this day our daily bread.

Donne-nous aujourd’hui notre pain quotidien;

Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día,

Forgive our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.

Va ān čonån keħ ġarzdåråne ķūdrå mī baķšīm, ġarshāje mårå bemå beħ baķš.

Och förlåt oss våra skulder,
liksom vi har förlåtit dem som står i skuld till oss.

Warera ni oime aru mono wo warera ga yurusu gotoku, warera no oime wo mo yurushi tame.

Und vergib uns unsere Schuld,
Wie auch wir vergeben unseren Schuldigern.

xin tha toäi cho chuùng con nhö chuùng
con cuõng tha cho nhöõng ngöôøi coù loãi vôùi chuùng con;

uslach lanu al chataeinu,
kefi shesolchim gam anachnu lachot’im lanu.

Waschboklân chaubên (wachtahên) aikâna daf chnân schvoken l’chaijabên

And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors.

pardonne-nous nos offenses,
comme nous aussi nous pardonnons à ceux qui nous ont offensés;

y perdona nuestras ofensas
como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.

Stand with us in trial and temptation.

Free us from the grip of all that is evil.

For you invite us into creation with you, now and forever. 

Vamårå ma’ raze āzmåješ majāvar, balkeħ az šarīr ķalåsī deħ.

Zīrå keħ molk va ġodrat va ġalål tå abad az āne to ast.

Och utsätt oss inte för prövning,
utan rädda oss från det onda.
Ditt är riket. Din är makten och äran i evighet.

Warera wo kokoromi ni awasezu, aku yori sukuidashi tame.

Kuni to chikara to sakae wa kagiri naku naji no mono nareba nari.

Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
Sondern erlöse uns von dem Bösen.
Denn Dein ist das Reich und die Kraft
und die Herrlichkeit, in Ewigkeit.

xin ñöøng ñeå chuùng con sa chöôùc caùm doã,
nhöng cöùu chuùng con cho khoûi söï döõ.

Veal tevienu lijdei nisajon
ki im chaltzenu min hara.
Ki lecha hamamlacha hagvura
vehatif’eret leolmei olamim.

Wela tachlân l’nesjuna ela patzân min bischa
Metol dilachie malkutha wahaila wateschbuchta l’ahlâm almîn.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

ne nous induis pas en tentation,
mais délivre-nous du malin.
Car c’est à toi qu’appartiennent, dans tous les siècles,
le règne, la puissance et la gloire.

No nos dejes caer en la tentación
y líbranos del mal.













Leader:      Holy Beloved, you call us into your presence

                  and fold us into your gentle embrace.


People:      Holy Beloved, hold us close to you.


Leader:      In your embrace we receive and give love.


All:             Your Spirit takes us beyond ourselves

                  as we raise our voices in prayer and praise.











Leader:      Holy, holy, holy!

                  We claim God's Word as it is given to us:


Voice 1:     Sacré, sacré, sacré!

                  We honor the prophetic voices Of those beside us:


Voice 2:     Santos, santos, santos!

                  We follow Christ together into the hungry, hurting world.


All:             God's vision of peace with justice opens before our eyes.

                  Holy, holy, holy!






Leader:      We live too much of each day

                  in the padlocked tomb of fear.


People:      We have not called one another

                  into the daybreak of hope.


Leader:      We have not opened the doors of our hearts.


People:      We have not heard one another into action.


All:             Forgive us, Holy One,

                  for loving our vision of community

                  more than the reality that you have given us.



Leader:      The Risen Christ is in our midst,

                  throwing open the bolted doors

                  to the daybreak of forgiving grace.


All:             Amen.



















The first Sunday of each month we switch to a Communion Liturgy here.









Leader:      As we open the portals of this sanctuary

                  to return to our roles in the world, 

                  may we likewise throw open

                  the locked doors of our hearts.


                  Go forth from this place

                  empowered by the Holy Spirit

                  to love and to serve a world

                  hungry for that love and service.


People:      Amen.


Communion Liturgy
Christmas 2005