School for Christian Growth Fall 2017 First Term

Tuesday evenings 7 p.m.–9:30 p.m.
September 12–October 17

Classes are free and open to all. We serve a light dinner before the class, for which we request a $5 donation. We value the conversation and sense of community we share during the meal and clean-up and find it deepens our connection to the classes that follow. Dinner starts at 7:00 and classes begin at 7:45.

You need not be a member of Seekers Church to participate. Click the Read more button below for full descriptions of the two classes.

  • In the Beginning Was the Word — Led by Marjory Bankson

  • Why Can’t They Just Come Here Legally, Like My Ancestors Did? — Led by Patricia Nemore

 In the Beginning Was the Word

Led by Marjory Bankson

What makes the Gospel of John different from the other “synoptic” gospels? How does the “wisdom tradition” show up in this Gospel? What about the role of women? Written nearly a century after Jesus’ birth, the Gospel of John is different in tone and substance from the other accounts of Jesus’ life. If you are curious about why, how, and what difference that makes, join us for six weeks of exploration together. Our primary text will be the Gospel of John. You can expect some reading, weekly writing, and interactive class sessions. New Testament credit



Marjory Bankson is a seasoned spiritual guide, published author, and regular teacher at Seekers.

Why Can’t They Just Come Here Legally, Like My Ancestors Did?

Led by Patricia Nemore

In March of this year, Seekers Church joined scores of other congregations in this region announcing ourselves as “providing support and solidarity to neighbors, friends, and family who fear being detained, deported, or profiled. Our faith will not allow us to permit the criminalization and scapegoating of immigrants and people of color.” To live out this pledge with greater awareness and compassion, we need to better understand both the concepts of “undocumented” and “illegal,” as they pertain to immigrants in the United States, and our own personal biases when confronted with those terms. Using Aviva Chomsky’s book Undocumented: How Immigration Became Illegal, we will explore many iterations of immigration law in the United States, and how changes over time have affected freedom to travel and freedom to work for various people. We will also hear from each other our own immigrant stories and challenge ourselves to overcome personal barriers to more fully opening our hearts as good neighbors. Spiritual Growth credit

A longtime member of Seekers Church, Patricia Nemore has been working with immigrants in our church community for more than five years, and is one of several members of the church to spearhead Seekers’ involvement in the regional sanctuary movement supporting immigrants without documents. She has been trained in rapid response to immigration raids and in accompaniment of immigrants for required check-ins with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)./p>

To register, email Marcia Sprague or sign up at Sunday worship. Please join us.

Film Night at Seekers: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Free Workshop: Relationships! Skills to Deeply Connect