04 Aug Mosaic logo 2 BW 72dpi

School of Christian Living – Fall 2013 Second Term

04 Aug Mosaic logo 2 BW 72dpiSchool of Christian Living

Fall Semester, Term 2

November 12th – December 17th

7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Classes begin at 7:45. 
Join us for a simple before-class dinner at 7:00 ($4 donation)

The second term of the School of Christian Living fall semester begins on Tuesday, November 12th. The six-week term features two classes: From Creed to Call – Becoming Christian Over Time led by Marjory Bankson, and Aging as a Spiritual Practice, a book discussion led by Jacqie Wallen. The term will run through December 17. You can either sign up on Sunday, or send an email to Marcia Sprague at marciasprague@mindspring.com.

From Creed to Call — Becoming Christian Over Time 

For those who have wondered how Seekers fit within the Christian tradition, this class will look at the following milestones:     

     – formation of the New Testament canon

     – the Apostles Creed and early church orthodoxy

     – the Trinity after centuries of controversy

     – is Christ the last name of Jesus?

     – from One Church to many

     – the call of Seekers Church

Come prepared for some reading, some writing, and making connections between my story, our Christian story and God’s creation story.  This class fulfills the requirement for Stewards in Christian teachings or doctrine.  

Facilitated by Marjory Bankson, author, artist and seasoned relational teacher.



Aging as a Spiritual Practice – A Book Study Group

We will study the book Aging as a Spiritual Practice: A Contemplative Guide to Growing Older and Wiser, by Lewis Richmond.  The book is described by the publisher as follows:  Everything changes. For Zen Buddhist priest and meditation teacher Lewis Richmond, this fundamental Buddhist tenet is the basis for a new inner road map that emerges in the later years, charting an understanding that can bring new possibilities and a wealth of appreciation and gratitude for the life journey itself. 

Aging as a Spiritual Practice is a wise, compassionate book that guides readers through the four key stages of aging—such as “Lightning Strikes” (the moment we wake up to our aging)—as well as the processes of adapting to change, embracing who we are, and appreciating our unique life chapters. Unlike many philosophical works on aging this one incorporates illuminating facts from scientific researchers, doctors, and psychologists as well as contemplative practices and guided meditations. Breath by breath, moment by moment, Richmond’s teachings inspire limitless opportunities for a joy that transcends age.

Please bring a copy of the book to the first class.  It can be purchased new or used from Amazon.com.

Facilitated by Jacqie Wallen, pastoral social worker, therapist, and board member of Silver Spring Village, a virtual intentional community that supports elders aging in their homes.


For details about our School of Christian Living, click here. 

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