04 Aug Mosaic logo 2 BW 72dpi

School of Christian Living – Spring 2013 First Term

04 Aug Mosaic logo 2 BW 72dpiSchool of Christian Living


7:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Classes begin at 7:45. 
Join us for a simple before-class dinner at 7:00 ($4 donation)

The first term of the School of Christian Living Spring Semester begins on Tuesday, February 5.  The six-week term features two classes: Appreciating Jesus, led by Pat Conover; and What is My CALL Now?, led by Marjory Bankson.  The term will run through March 12.  You can either sign up on Sunday, or send an email to Marcia Sprague.  For details about our School of Christian Living, click here.


Appreciating Jesus — Led by Pat Conover

This class is aimed at helping participants build an understanding and image of Jesus as part of a path to appreciating Jesus. Why did Jesus matter to so many people and why might he matter to each one of us. This is about appreciating the feelings people had for Jesus and not just what they thought about Jesus.  A lot of the Christian Testament concerns the religion about Jesus that became the Christian Way. This class is about appreciating the religion of Jesus. We will be reading in the synoptic gospels (Mark, Matthew, Luke) to develop our own narrative summaries and images of Jesus. What did Jesus do? What did Jesus teach? How did Jesus lead? Why did his followers follow?   Students will read in one of the synoptic gospels for the six weeks and respond to class questions taking account of the point of view of their gospel and we will collectively look for commonalities and differences for shaping our narratives and images. We will collectively develop a narrative concerning what we can reasonably know about Jesus. Beyond what is collectively developed, perhaps in disagreement with what is collectively developed, students will develop a narrative and image of Jesus in their own words.

Preparatory Assignment: Journal about what you think is true about Jesus, and whether what you think is true matters to you.


What Is My CALL Now? — Led by Marjory Bankson  

Using her books, Call to the Soul and Creative Aging, Marjory will lead us through a discernment process that will help to identify what your call is, how it is likely to manifest in your life, who might be there as a helper/encourager and who might discourage your call, how to recognize God’s leading and where you might find community to share the call with. You can expect weekly homework and lots of class interaction. The class will be relevant for anyone asking vocational questions.


For details about our School of Christian Living, click here. 

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