
Seekers Church Sponsors a Pilgrimage to Guatemala in 2011

April 4, 2011


10_Jul_Guatemala_Pilgrimage_Front_PageThis year Seekers Church assumed responsibility to sponsor a work pilgrimage to Guatemala in July 2011. This pilgrimage has been offered annually since 2002 by Faith @ Work (now Lumunos). Faced with the need to set down the program, Lumunos welcomed an offer by Seekers to sponsor the trip so it can continue in 2011. The pilgrimage will continue to support PAVA, the Guatemalan community development organization that helps highland communities organize themselves to build schools, running water systems and bridges to improve the quality of life for everyone in the vilage. PAVA has identified Pueblo Viejo, a village near the ancient Mayan site of Iximche as the location where we will help expand a 2-room school so it can better serve the 140+ children of the village. This yer’s team includes participants from the Washington DC area, Oregon, California, Texas and Colorado.


For more information click the “Guatemala Pilgrimage” button near the top of the right sidebar. 


 Peter Bankson

Carroll Cafe December Concert
Guatemala Pilgrimage