September 2008 Stewards Minutes

September 7, 2008

Present:   Marjory Bankson, Peter Bankson (recorder), Ken Burton, Lewise Busch (dinner angel), Pat Conover, Kate Cudlipp, Cynthia Dahlin, Jane Engle, Sue Johnson, Muriel Lipp, Dave Lloyd (worship), Aeren Martinez, Sandra Miller (dinner angel), Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove (moderator)


Absent: Jeannine Caracciolo


Worship:  Muriel Lipp led us in worship.


Housekeeping:  Next meeting will be October 5th starting at 5:30pm.  Dave will moderate, Trish will take notes, Aeren will lead worship and Deborah and Trish will serve as dinner angels.


Disposition of Church of the Saviour Headquarters (2025 Mass. Ave. NW):  Keith, who is the representative to the Ecumenical Council for Seekers Church, and Kate, who is Moderator, brought an update on Gordon Cosby’s plans to stop reaching and overseeing the headquarters building at the end of 2008.  He reminded us that when the by-laws of the Ecumenical Council were revised procedures were set in place to sell that property whenever Gordon decided to set down his call to preach there, and divide the proceeds among Dayspring Farm and the faith communities that are members of the Council at the time of the sale.


Kate reported that there may some interest in keeping the building as a place for ministry.  She was scheduled to meet with someone who is a developer and on the board of the Festival Center to look at these options.


All faith community members of the Ecumenical Council have been asked to discern, before the next Council meeting on September 28th, the sense of the community about continuing with plans to sell the building. 


Our conversation included early questions about possible locations for a continuing office for Church of the Saviour and support for a residual CoS staff.  After the conversation Stewards affirmed existing plans to sell the property at 2025 Massachusetts Avenue NW and divide the proceeds.

Pat requested that the Financial Oversight Group anticipate the implications of income from this sale as part of the budget development process for 2009.


Spiritual Autobiography:  Aeren shared her spiritual autobiography and was welcomed as the newest Steward of Seekers Church.



Follow-up on the Sacred Conversation on Race and Diversity:  Sandra led us in a conversation based on the questions she’d sent out earlier:

1. Would you like to participate in these sacred conversations in the future?
2. What are your ideas for a format for continuing?
3. Would you be interested in participating in a Seekers-only conversation within the conversation?

The sharing included strong support for continuing conversation on this topic within Seekers Church.  There were questions about whether worship was the best place for continuing the conversation.  In the end Stewards affirmed the request of the planning group to continue planning another sacred conversation, as part of the 6-month initiative they have undertaken.


Third Sunday Meetings After Worship:  Dave reviewed the history of our commitment to holding regular conversations after worship on the 3rd Sunday of each month from September through May.  The need was identified at a Seekers’ overnight several years ago when it seemed clear that the community needed more opportunities for conversation about shared issues and concerns.  Learners and Teachers Mission Group (L&T) picked up the task as part of their call and has been carrying it for the community.  The issues that were raised at that overnight seem to have receded into the background, and L&T is asking Stewards for guidance: Do we want to continue 3rd Sunday discussions?


While the conversation generally affirmed the need for regular times for conversation on matters that are important to the community, there was no consensus on either an individual or group to continue coordinating this activity or an agenda for upcoming meetings.  There are possibilities for future 3rd Sunday conversations but no specific plans at this time. 


The Stewards thanked Learners & Teachers Mission group for their faithful service in scheduling 3rd Sunday conversations.  The also decided to continue to hold space on the calendar for community conversations after worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month and encourage Seekers who want to engage the community in conversation to schedule those dates. 


At the end of this part of the Stewards’ meting:
o Dave suggested that at a future Stewards’ meeting we review our progress on the issues raised at that earlier Seekers overnight. 

o Aeren offered to see if she can help coordinate our 3rd Sunday conversations.


Sunday School Update:  Brenda reported for the Sunday School Support Group that the group is once again coordinating Sunday School support – teachers and curriculum.  She asked all Stewards to help make sure we continue to offer an effective Sunday morning experience to our young people.  She suggested that this help might be to offer help other than teaching – like preparing coffee or cleaning up –so that those who are teaching have more time and energy to devote to Sunday School.

She reported that we will be working with the children to help them understand giving and the offering during worship.


Soul talk. 


Adjourn:  We adjourned with prayer at 8:55pm.


Submitted by:
Peter Bankson

October 2008 Stewards Minutes
August 2008 Stewards Minutes