September Stewards Minutes 2012

Stewards Minutes

September 2, 2012

Present: Marjory Bankson (notetaker), Peter Bankson, Ken Burton (moderator), , Lewise Busch,Pat Conover, Cynthia Dahlin, Sandra Miller, Trish Nemore, Brenda Seat, Keith Seat, Margreta Silverstone, Deborah Sokolove, Jacqie Wallen. Jane Engle, emerita Steward, was also present.

Absent: Will Ramsey, David Lloyd.

Housekeeping: Stewards will meet on October 7 at 5:30pm

Moderator: Deborah                        Worship: Cynthia

Notetaker: Ken                        Angels: Sandra & Margreta

Worship was offered by Peter with a responsive reading of the CALL of Seekers.

Carroll Café: Deborah

After an overall report, Deborah requested authorization to use a PayPal account in Seekers name for payment by credit card. She estimated the cost/transaction would be 40 cents. After a caution to watch that expense, the PayPal account was approved.

Sunday School: Trish

Trish described the overall plan for Fall. The older class will include Samantha, Alvin, Makayla, Cynthia and India. The younger class will need two people for Oslin, Tommy and Arnold.

Condo Purchase: Pat (from his written statement)

“We struggled last month with the boundaries between being a community and considering acting as an organization to meet a purpose which had considerable support. We found it sufficiently constraining that we backed off the organizational strategy.

            Then seven stewards and three members built an agreement among themselves to provide sufficient funds by gift and by loan to enable a member to purchase a condo. We have a legal approach, constructed with the aid of a real estate lawyer that will allow us to move forward.”

Seekers Booth at Takoma Park Folk Festival: Keith

Keith reported that we will have two adjoining booths at the TP Festival, one for Carroll Café and the other for Seekers. He invited Stewards to sign up for 2-hour stints, handing out free lemonade and literature about various missions and ministries.

Recommitment: Peter

Along with the reflection handout, Peter suggested that Stewards be particularly conscious of explaining our practice of “commitment & recommitment” during this season, which will end with “Recommitment Sunday” on October 21.

Mission Group Budget Requests: Marjory

During September, FOG asks Mission Groups to determine their budget requests for 2013. A sheet with current requests and how much had been used is attached. Please email requests to a member of FOG: Marjory, Cynthia, Keith, or Deborah.

After dinner, Keith and Ken shared more deeply. That was followed by Soul Talk.

Submitted by Marjory Bankson 9/17/12

October Stewards Minutes 2012
August Stewards Minutes 2012