Shared Leadership in Seekers: Who’s In Charge Around Here?

In Seekers Church, leadership and authority are distributed among many individuals. Many of the functions usually performed by “clergy” or “staff” are carried out by Stewards, the Servant Leadership Team, mission groups, other small groups, or individual volunteers.

Below is information on the individuals and groups who are responsible for different aspects of our life together.


The Stewards of Seekers Church take responsibility for the life of the whole community. They share a common commitment and are the church’s decision-making body. Any member of Seekers who feels called can become a Steward. The process involves about two years of study and conscious preparation. The current list of Stewards can be found in the Seekers directory. If you are interested, see any of the current Stewards for more information.

Servant Leadership Team

Since our beginning as a separate congregation, Seekers Church has called forth from its membership individuals who serve as vision keepers, coordinators, and support staff for the community. We call this group the “Servant Leadership Team” or SLT. The SLT serves on a regular, part-time basis, and are paid a stipend by Seekers Church. The current team members are:


FOG is the acronym of the Financial Oversight Group, which focuses on all aspects of Seekers’ finances. FOG puts together a proposed budget each year and periodically reports on implementation of the budget, once it has been approved by Stewards. FOG also supervises and supports the Treasurer and Bookkeeper, both of whom are members of FOG.


While FOG sets policy, Seekers’ bookkeeper takes care of all the practical aspects of Seekers’ finances, making deposits from weekly and online donations, paying out bills, reimbursing appropriate expenses incurred by members, and making contributions to the many organizations and groups that Seekers supports. The bookkeeper also keeps all bank accounts and accounting records in order and generates reports as needed.

Who to Ask

To see current members of each group below, see the Seekers directory. Click on the name of the appropriate group for more information.





Leading circle time and service, writing liturgy, scheduling preachers Celebration Circle Mission Group Deborah
Prayer for Peace and Justice Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, Peace Prayer Mission Group Trish
Two-Minute Story Outreach Mission Group Keith
Music Music group Glen Y and Liz
Electronic sermon recordings Celebration Circle Mission Group Deborah
Sunday school Sunday School Team Judy
Children’s word Sunday School Team David L


School for Christian Growth Learners and Teachers Mission Group David L
Welcoming visitors/community connections Outreach Mission Group Keith
Support for elderly members at Seekers Living Water Mission Group Nancy
Community Men’s Breakfast Men’s Breakfast Coordinator Glen Y.
Carroll Café Carroll Café Team Sandra


Use of Still Point Retreat House Earth & Spirit Mission Group Kevin
Coordinating Silent Retreats Living Water Mission Group Nancy
Spiritual Direction Servant Leadership Team Joan


Building Use Time and Space Mission Group Deborah
Building Maintenance Martha’s Mob David L
Seekers Gallery Gallery Coordinator Sandra
Seekers Library Mission Support Group Linda


Paying expenses, managing tithes and offerings Bookkeeper Debbie
Drafting budget, financial recommendations to Stewards, supporting the bookkeeper Financial Oversight Group (FOG) Marjory
International Giving Giving Coordinators David L
Domestic Giving Giving Coordinators Cynthia
Growing Edge Fund Mission Support Group Mary Carol


Seekers website maintenance and email group management Time & Space Mission Group Deborah
Seekers Members and alumni/ae directory Servant Leadership Team David L
Coordination with Church of the Saviour faith communities Ecumenical Council Keith
Weddings, memorials, and other sacraments Servant Leadership Team Brenda