Wellspring Center for Lease

— Available for Many Possible Ministries–

August 1, 2011

The Discernment Group for Wellspring is looking for a creative mission or ministry to make its home on Dayspring land at the former Wellspring conference center.  We seek an organization that serves the needs of our neighbors (local or global) to lease Wellspring buildings. A Request for Proposals (RFP) is attached, describing the property and the mission context.  The Discernment group has sent it to all the faith communities and CofS ministries.  We are also sending it to other non-profits and religious organizations that may be looking for a new home for their programs or offices in Montgomery County. 


The property is located on the 200-acre Dayspring Church Farm.  The five buildings have been a small conference center — but many uses are possible.  This space may be perfect for an education program, retreat or training center, preschool, afterschool or summer camp, offices, meeting space.  The property offers a meeting hall for seventy guests, three cabins with a total of seventeen bedrooms/offices, and an optional three-bedroom residence.


Location: 25 miles from downtown DC; less than 2 miles from I-270, on a 200-acre meadowlands and wooded property.
Five Buildings 
     Pyramid-roofed Meeting hall for up to 70 with kitchen and offices.
     Three housekeeping cabins, 5-7 bedrooms each
     Optional 3-bedroom residence.
Ample outdoor parking.
Sited to maximize views and access to the natural environment.


The Discernment Group is seeking to hear from organizations that would like to join in mission to the world’s needs from this quiet and beautiful land.  Dayspring Church’s commitments to community, silent prayer and peace and justice are embodied in ongoing ministries on Dayspring Church Farm.  These Dayspring ministries include Dayspring Church (an ecumenical worshipping congregation), Silent Retreat, Earth Ministry, Amigos Juntos (connections to the lives of the poor in El Salvador), Evangel (children’s Christian Education and mission), Ahimsa Christi (nonviolent witness), and Servants of the Light (deep prayer ministry).  A new ministry compatible with the ongoing work would be a welcome addition.


Download the Request for Proposals

Download a description of the facilities

Contact the Wellspring Discernment Group: Wellspring.Dayspring@gmail.com

Proposal schedule:

Letters of intent due (non-binding, optional):   August 15, 2011

Proposal deadline:      October 15, 2011


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Kate Cudlipp Social Justice Scholarship Fund
In Memory of Kate Cudlipp (1943 - 2011)